1. {
    Download and install MDAC 2.7 (mdac_typ.exe)
    Restart the system


    Insert WEB Database Development .NET edition CD
    Make sure operating system is either Windows 2000/XP
    Make sure Web Server is installed
    Check to see if .NET Framework SDK installed or not.
    If not, install NET Framework SDK from CD


    Download and install .NET Framework SDK 1.1 Beta (setup.exe) and .NET Framework 1.1 Redistributable Final Beta (dotnetfx.exe)


    Use Visual Studio .net CDs to install MDAC 2.7, .NET Framework SDK and Visual Studio .NET

  2. Insert WEB Database Development .NET edition CD again
    Click Install Sample Files
    Select Drive: for installing the sample files (e.g. G:\), then Click OK
    WEBDBPGM will be created

  3. Run Internet Service Manager to create a Virtual Directory called webdbpgm to map to the physical directory WEBDBPGM
    Select 'Read' and 'Run Script (such as ASP)' only