Testing Your MySQL Installation


  1. Open a DOS window.
  1. At the C:> prompt, type cd c:\mysql\bin and press Enter.
  1. At the C:\mysql\bin> prompt, type mysqld-shareware and press Enter.
  1. At the C:\mysql\bin> prompt, type mysqladmin create testDB and press Enter.
  1. At the C:\mysql\bin> prompt, type mysql and press Enter.
  1. At the mysql> prompt, type use testDB; and press Enter.
  1. At the mysql> prompt, type create table test_table (test_id int, test_note text); and press Enter.
  1. At the mysql> prompt, type show tables; and press Enter.
  1. At the mysql> prompt, type explain test_table; and press Enter.
  1. At the mysql> prompt, type insert into test_table values(‘1’, ‘This is a note.’); and press Enter.
  1. At the mysql> prompt, type insert into test_table values(‘99’, ‘Look! Another note.’); and press Enter.
  1. At the mysql> prompt, type select * from test_table; and press Enter.
  1. At the mysql> prompt, type select * from test_table order by test_id desc; and press Enter.