
1.       We might expect the Earth's core to be more dense than its crust because

a.       in the early stage of Earth's formation, more dense materials would sink to the center, while less dense materials would float at the surface

b.       the density of material in the crust is less than the overall average density of the Earth

c.       any material would become more dense as it is compressed by the weight of material above it

d.       all of the above*

e.       only a and b above

2.       The figure below represents a seismic event occurring at point A inside a body having a liquid core and a rocky mantle.  Which type of seismic wave will the seismograph station at point B detect?

a.       P waves*

b.       S waves

c.       both P and S waves

3.       Chemical differentiation of the Earth

a.       has not occurred -- the Earth is chemically homogeneous

b.       occurred in the era about 4 to 4.5 billion years ago when the Earth was molten*

c.       occurred only since homo sapiens has been around

d.       was caused by the spin of the Earth, which concentrated the heavy elements like iron at the equator.

4.       Evidence that the Earth’s interior was molten at one time is found in

a.       volcanic activity along midoceanic ridges

b.       the composition of the atmosphere

c.       the layers of different density within the interior*

d.       all of the above

e.       only a and b above

5.       The core of the Earth is probably made of

a.       iron and iron alloys*

b.       low density silicates

c.       high density silicates

d.       molten rock

e.       uranium and lead

6.       The most common rocks on the Earth's surface are

a.       oxides

b.       halides

c.       silicates*

d.       sulfides

e.       none of the above, since all are equally abundant.

7.       The method used to estimate the age of the Earth is

a.       carbon-14 dating of organic materials

b.       measuring the amount of salt in the sea

c.       estimating the amount of erosion of mountains

d.       radioactive dating of rocks using elements with short half-lives

e.       radioactive dating of rocks using elements with long half-lives *

8.       What is the source of most of the radiation that heats the troposphere?

a.       Sunlight absorbed in the ionosphere.

b.       Sunlight absorbed in the ozone layer.

c.       Reradiation of sunlight from the Earth's surface.*

d.       Waste heat from the decay of radioactive elements.

e.       None of the above.

9.       The level of the atmosphere which consists of charged particles is the

a.       troposphere

b.       ionosphere*

c.       mesosphere

d.       stratosphere

e.       planosphere.

10.   The Earth's atmosphere interferes with astronomical observations because

a.       some wavelengths are absorbed by the atmosphere

b.       weather may make observations impossible

c.       it makes stars twinkle

d.       all of the above*

e.       a and b above

11.   The greenhouse effect occurs because

a.       carbon dioxide is transparent to visible light and opaque to infrared radiation*

b.       carbon dioxide is transparent to infrared radiation and opaque to ultraviolet radiation.

c.       ozone is transparent to infrared radiation and opaque to ultraviolet radiation.

d.       ozone is transparent to visible light and opaque to infrared radiation.

e.       the sun emits more infrared radiation than ultraviolet radiation.

12.   Suppose the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere decreased by a significant amount.  What would happen to the Earth's general environment?

a.       X-rays from space would reach the Earth's surface.

b.       Ultraviolet light from space would reach the Earth's surface.

c.       The average surface temperature would increase.

d.       The average surface temperature would decrease. *

13.   What is believed to be the source of water in the Earth's ocean?

a.       water in the rocks in the interior*

b.       water in the atmosphere

c.       water in the polar caps

d.       water in primordial glaciers

14.   Large scale changes on the surface of the Earth are probably caused by

a.       wind erosion

b.       continental drift*

c.       glaciation

d.       water erosion

e.       micrometeoroid impact

15.   Continental drift may be caused by

a.       strong winds

b.       Earthquakes

c.       convection in the mantle*

d.       volcanoes

16.   Which of the following is not produced by plate tectonics?

a.       midocean rifts

b.       rift valleys

c.       the ring of fire

d.       the Appalachian Mountains

e.       Earth's magnetic field*

17.   The Earth’s original atmosphere

a.       had no oxygen

b.       consisted of light elements like hydrogen and helium

c.       escaped into space

d.       all of the above*

e.       none of the above

18.   Outgassing is

a.       the adding of material to an object an atom or molecule at a time.

b.       the adding of material to an object by collection of solid particles.

c.       the release of gas from rocks as they are heated. *

d.       the largest of the Galilean satellites.

e.       caused by the bombardment of the solar wind.

19.   The second atmosphere of Earth is believed to be

a.       the remnants of the original gas from the solar nebula attracted by the protoplanet

b.       the result of the melting and vaporizing of the glaciers from the last ice age.

c.       composed primarily of hydrogen and helium.

d.       composed of gases that were baked from the rocks sometime after the planet formed. *

e.       the result of a collision between the sun and another star

20.   The source of oxygen for the Earth's atmosphere is probably

a.       the breakdown of water into hydrogen and oxygen

b.       biological activity, such as photosynthesis*

c.       outgassing from the Earth's interior

d.       the release of carbon dioxide by volcanoes

21.   The Van Allen belts are

a.       regions on Earth, near the north and south poles, in which aurorae are observed

b.       regions near the Earth's equator where the gravitational field is minimized

c.       zones containing charged particles surrounding the Earth*

d.       regions in the Earth's mantle where certain minerals occur with high abundance

22.   A magnetic dynamo is caused by a combination of convection in a molten core and

a.       rotation*

b.       cosmic rays from space

c.       lunar tidal action

d.       the solar gravitational pull on the Earth's equatorial bulge.

23.   The Earth's magnetic field probably arises from

a.       human activity

b.       circulation in the Earth's atmosphere

c.       currents in the Earth's liquid, conducting core*

d.       currents in the oceans

24.   The Earth is thought to have formed from

a.       the collapse of a single gas cloud

b.       the consolidation (accretion) of small bodies*

c.       gas which was torn from the Sun

d.       the break-up of a much larger body.