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<Project Name>
Integration Build Plan
Version <1.0>
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Revision History
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Table of Contents
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations
Integration Build Plan
[The introduction of the Integration Build Plan provides an overview of the entire document. It includes the purpose, scope, definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, references, and overview of this Integration Build Plan.]
[Specify the purpose of this Integration Build Plan.]
[A brief description of the scope of this Integration Build Plan; what model(s) it is associated with and anything else that is affected or influenced by this document.]
[This subsection provides the definitions of all terms, acronyms, and abbreviations required to properly interpret the Integration Build Plan. This information may be provided by reference to the project's Glossary.]
[This subsection provides a complete list of all documents referenced elsewhere in the Integration Build Plan. Identify each document by title, report number if applicable, date, and publishing organization. Specify the sources from which the references can be obtained. This information may be provided by reference to an appendix or to another document.]
[This subsection describes what the rest of the Integration Build Plan contains and explains how the document is organized.]
[State which subsystems to implement in this iteration. Also state the preferred order in which the subsystems should be implemented to be ready in time for integration.]
[The integration, in the iteration, is divided into a number of increments, each resulting in a build, which is integration-tested. This section needs to specify which builds to create and which subsystems should be part of each build. For each build, this section needs to specify how the build is constructed, the criteria for its assessment and how it is to be tested, in particular:
— Construction
Build scripts and any other instructions which describe how the build is constructed
Baseline records which define the versions of the configuration items used to construct the build
— Evaluation and Test
Evaluation criteria—a description of the capabilities against which the build is to be judged. This may contain a subset of the evaluation criteria in the corresponding Iteration Plan and other build specific evaluation criteria (particularly when, for example, the build is an architecture build which does not deliver much, if any capability that is visible to the end-user.
Installation and setup instructions to execute and test the build
Test cases, test procedures, test scripts and test results
Note that in all cases, there is no requirement to replicate material in this plan—references will suffice if the material exists in other artifacts—the Artifact: Iteration Test Plan, for example.]