Session 1 Module 0 Introduction and Acknowledgement


The Principles of Software Testing for Testers is a course intended to help students learn how to test software. The course focuses on principles and proven software engineering practices within the framework of The IBM Rational Unified Process.


After completing this course, the student will be a more knowledgeable software tester. The student will be empowered to:

  1. Understand and describe the basic concepts of functional (black box) software testing.
  2. Identify a number of test styles and techniques and assess their usefulness in the projects context.
  3. Understand the basic application of techniques used to identify useful ideas for tests.
  4. Help determine the mission and communicate the status of the projects testing with the entire project team.
  5. Characterize a good bug report, peer-review the reports for the projects colleagues, and improve the quality of  report writing.
  6. Understand where key testing concepts apply within the context of the Rational Unified Process.

Instructional Notes

  1. As an introduction to testing read the Introduction to Test to understand the Purpose and the Relation to Other Disciplines.
  2. Begin Module 1

Additional Reverences

IBM Use of material.

IBM Seed Program: A healthy dose of RUP

James C. Helm would like to acknowledge the IBM SEED Program. The SEED has helped our institute to teach advanced Software Engineering practices based on IBM’s industrial products, tools and techniques. The Rational products address the entire software-development lifecycle and are used in our engineering programs.

Teaching students continuous risk management implementation is important in order to show them how the tool will: assist the project management and team members to establish and use consistent documentation; instantiate and store each identified risk; associate for each risk a mitigation or task plan; and, visually present each risk with the capability to be tracked, watched or mitigated throughout the project’s iterative lifecycle. The IBM Rational RequisitePro tool was used to show the students how to capture and store the organizational and management system risk knowledge into a database. The students gain hands-on risk management knowledge that can be used for product, process and project improvement. They learn how to write risk statements, collect risk metrics and capture the risk lessons learned for future projects