Course Registration System
Test Evaluation Summary
for the
Architectural Prototype
Version 1.0
Revision History
Date |
Version |
Description |
Author |
21/March/1999 |
1.0 |
Architectural prototype test
evaluation |
C. Smith |
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Test Results Summary
- Test Coverage
- Code Coverage
- Defect Analysis
- Suggested Actions
- Diagrams
Test Evaluation Summary
for the
Architectural Prototype
- Introduction
- Purpose
This Test Evaluation Report describes the results of the C-Registration
Architectural Prototype tests in terms of test coverage (both
requirements-based and code-based coverage) and defect analysis (i.e. defect
- Scope
This Test Evaluation Report applies to the C-Registration Architectural
Prototype. The tests conducted are described in the Test Plan for the
Prototype [5]. This Evaluation Report is to be used for the following:
- assess the acceptability and appropriateness of the performance
behavior(s) of the prototype,
- assess the acceptability of the tests, and
- identify improvements to increase test coverage and / or test quality.
- References
Applicable references are:
- Glossary for the C-Registration System,
WyIT406, V2.0, 1999, Wylie College IT.
- Software Development Plan for the
C-Registration System, WyIT418, V1.0, 1999, Wylie College IT.
- E1 Iteration Plan, WyIT420, V1.0, 1999,
Wylie College IT.
- Integration Build Plan for Prototype,
WyIT430, V1.0, 1999, Wylie College IT.
- Test Plan for the Prototype, WyIT432,
V1.0, 1999, Wylie College IT.
Results Summary
The test cases defined in the Test Suite for the Prototype were executed
following the test strategy as defined in the Test Plan [5].
Test coverage (see Section 5.0 below) in terms of covering the use cases and
test requirements defined in the Test Plan [5] was complete.
Code coverage is described in Section 6.0 and was not considered as a
significant measure of success for the prototype.
Analysis of the defects (as shown in Section 7.0 below) indicates that there
are significant performance problems accessing the legacy Course
Catalog System. The performance and loading tests that involved read or
write access to the Course Catalog System are well below the established
targets. The Management Team will be assigning systems engineering resources to
further evaluate these test results and to determine design alternatives.
Test Coverage
The tests to be performed on the prototype are defined in Section 5.1 of
the Test Plan [5] along with their completion criteria. The test coverage
results are as follows:
Ratio Test Cases Performed = 40/40 = 100%
Ratio Test Cases Successful = 30/40 = 80%
The area of tests with the highest failure rate was:
- Performance tests involving access to the Course Catalog System
- Load tests involving access to the Course Catalog System.
Further detail on test coverage is available using Rational RequisitePro
and the Prototype Test Case matrix.
Code Coverage
Rational Visual PureCoverage was used to measure code coverage of the
Prototype tests.
Ratio LOC executed = 12,874 / 48,916 (about 25%)
Approximately, 25% of the code was executed during the testing. It was
determined that this coverage was adequate for the prototype tests as all
interfaces were thoroughly exercised. Later iterations will require a
significantly higher measure for code coverage.
Defect Analysis
This section summarizes the results of defect analysis that was generated
using Rational ClearQuest. Section 8 recommends actions to address the findings
of the defect analysis.
- Defect Density
Data on defect density has been generated using data extracted from
ClearQuest reports. Section 9 of this document includes charts that
- Defects by Severity Level (critical, high, medium, low)
- Defect Source (the component in which the problem or fault
- Defect Status (logged, assigned, fixed, tested, closed).
The Defects by Severity Level chart shows that 4 critical and 4 high
priority defects were logged. Detailed analysis of the defect logs has
shown that the critical and high priority defects are all associated
with the performance and loading problems accessing the legacy Course
Catalog System. (Note: Chart not included.)
The Defect Source Chart shows an unusually high percentage of defects
reside in the System Interface components.
The Defect Status chart shows that many defects are in the logged
state and not assigned yet for analysis.
- Defect Trend
Defect trends (i.e. defect counts over time) was not measured for the
Architectural Prototype tests.
- Defect Aging
Tracking of defect age is not required for the Prototype. The current
plan is to start tracking the age of open defects at the beginning of the
Construction Phase. ClearQuest will be used to generate the Defect Aging
Suggested Actions
The recommended actions are as follows:
- Assign additional systems engineering resources to further evaluate the
performance and loading problems associated with access to the legacy
Course Catalog System. Design alternatives will be reviewed by the Project
Team prior to implementation of any design solutions.
- Assign engineering resources to resolve outstanding open defects on the
- Delay start of next iteration pending resolution of Critical and High
- Design additional tests to further test loads and access times for the
Course Catalog System. Try using Rational Visual Quantify to identify and
analyze the performance bottlenecks.
- It is recommended that future iterations include inspections of the all
design or code involving external interfaces. These inspections should
reduce the number of problems found during Test.
7. Diagrams