Collegiate Sports Paging System

Iteration Assessment

Version 1.0

 Revision History





November 12, 1999 1.0 Initial version Context Integration

Table of Contents

Introduction Top of page


The objective of the Iteration Assessment is to capture the result of the iteration, the degree to which the evaluation criteria were met, and lessons learned and changes to be done.


This Iteration Assessment applies to the Elaboration Iteration. The Elaboration Iteration developed the requirements and design for the initial implementation of the Collegiate Sports paging System.

The success of the Elaboration Iteration is measured against the evaluation criteria as outlined in the Elaboration Iteration Plan.

Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

See Glossary.


  1. CSPS Vision 1.0
  2. CSPS Iteration Plan 1.0
  3. CSPS Design Comps 1.0
  4. CSPS Use Case – Approve Story 1.0
  5. CSPS Use Case – Edit Profile 1.0
  6. CSPS Use Case – Pay Fee With Credit Card 1.0
  7. CSPS Use Case – Print Advertiser Reports 1.0
  8. CSPS Use Case – Provide Advertising Content 1.0
  9. CSPS Use Case – Provide Feedback 1.0
  10. CSPS Use Case – Read Content on Website 1.0
  11. CSPS Use Case – Send Content 1.0
  12. CSPS Use Case – Send Page 1.0
  13. CSPS Use Case – Subscribe 1.0
  14. CSPS Glossary 1.0

Iteration Objectives Reached Top of page

Architectural prototype developed, major risks validated, designs completed for all use cases.

Adherence to Plan Top of page

This iteration executed according to plan.

Use Cases and Scenarios Implemented Top of page

No new use cases were identified. The following use cases were completed with details uncovered during the design process:

Results Relative to Evaluation Criteria Top of page

Criterion Evaluation
Complete the analysis and design of selected use cases. All selected use cases designed.
Develop a working architectural prototype. Prototype available for user evaluation.
Realize risk associated with the architectural design or system performance. Performance risk under load exposed, plan developed for dealing with load.
Each deliverable developed during the iteration will be peer reviewed and subject to approval from the team. Peer reviews took place as planned (project documentation contains review summaries).

Test Results Top of page

During load testing, results indicate that a multi-tiered pager gateway approach will be needed to handle peak traffic loads.

Subscriber, editor, and advertising representatives approved the user interface as designed.

External Changes Occurred Top of page

All major alphanumeric pager vendors now offer an email interface for sending alphanumeric pages.

Rework Required Top of page


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