Collegiate Sports Paging System

Release Notes

Version 1.0

Revision History





February 2, 2000 1.0 Version 1.0 Release Context Integration

Table of Contents

Introduction Top of page

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The purpose of the Release Notes is to communicate the major new features and changes in this release of the Collegiate Sports Paging System. It also documents known problems and work-arounds.


This document describes the Collegiate Sports Paging System 1.0.

Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

See Glossary.



About This Release Top of page

The V1.0 release of the Collegiate Sports Paging System provides the ability for a subscriber to receive pages when news of interest to them occurs. A personalized web site is available for them to view stories on which they have received pages, as well as general collegiate sports news.

Compatible Products Top of page

This product has been tested on the following platforms (or with the following products):

Upgrading Top of page

Most browser software provides backward compatibility, so upgrading should pose no particular barriers. If the HTML version in use is to be upgraded, however, testing must take place in order to ensure that older browser versions can still view content.

New Features Top of page

This is a new release, all features are new.

Known Bugs and Limitations Top of page

General Note

There are no known bugs in this release, though the HTML has been optimized for Netscape Navigator.

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