White Papers > The Ten Essentials of RUP - The Essence of an Effective Development Process

Leslee Probasco joined Rational Software in February, 1997, and works out of the Rational Software office in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Currently she's the manager of content development for the Rational Unified Process and has contributed to RUP content development, especially in the areas of Requirements and Change Request Management. Before moving to Vancouver, Leslee worked for Rational University out of Boulder, Colorado, and was responsible for development and instructor certification of the Requirements Management with Use Cases training course.

Prior to joining Rational, Leslee worked in software development and management roles in various industries, including oil and gas, mil-aerospace, telecommunications, and electronic design automation.


To effectively apply a software development process such as the RUP, it's important to first understand its key objectives, why each is important, and how they work together to help your development team produce a quality product that meets your stakeholders' real needs.

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