What Is It
Multivoting is a general voting method used to select
the most important items from a list. Selecting the
number of votes to be used depends on the number of
items on the list. In risk management, each participant
is given a number of votes to choose the top risks in
the list according to them. A general rule of thumb is
to allow participant votes equal to one-third the
number of items on the list. For a large number of
items, a series of votes is used to reduce the list to
a workable number.
When To Use
Use this method
- To select the most important items (risks) from a
- To poll a group's (not individual's)
position or preference.
- When there is no need for degree of preference.
Risk A is ranked higher than B. How much more
important is A does not matter.
The method
- Is easy and quick to apply.
- Reduces the list of risks to focus resources to.