Session 2 Module 1 Software Engineering Practices


Module 1 is a reduced set of the materials normally presented in a longer Best Practices course for all engineering disciplines: Analysts; Developers; Testers; Managers; and Other Roles. Other Roles includes: Stakeholders; Any Role; Course Developer; Graphic Artist; Tool Specialist; System Administrator; and Technical Writer.

As The Tester: Observe how each Software Engineering Practice will have an effect on the way testing is undertaken in terms; of planning (i.e. iterations), the role that testing will play (i.e. objective assessment of iteration objectives) and in terms of the information that is available to base the testing elements on (e.g. risks, use cases, architecture).


The intent is to quickly give you, The Tester, an introduction to all the Software Engineering Process and the IBM Rational Unified Process (RUP).

Instructional Notes

In Module 1, we explore a number of software engineering practices and explain why these are considered to be good practices to follow. We will also look at how a software engineering process helps you to implement these and many other engineering practices. These are the things Testers need to know about the Software Engineering Practices.

The Module 1 give a set of pdf slides with Presenter notes tabs at the top of each page. You must click on this tab to read the Presenter notes.

Module 1 Software Engineering Practices

The Module 1 Student Manual is a pdf of the slides with the Presenter notes on the same page. These pages might be easier to follow, but are not as colorful.

Student Manual Software Engineering Practices

From the Module 1 reading we describe six commonly recommended software engineering practices:

  1. Develop Iteratively
  2. Manage Requirements
  3. Use Component Architectures
  4. Model Visually (UML)
  5. Continuously Verify Quality
  6. Manage Change

As the Tester you are involved in each one of these practices throughout the entire life cycle of the Project. You could continue as a Sustaining Engineer once the product is delivered and until the product produced by this Project is discontinued.


From a management perspective, the software lifecycle of the Rational Unified Process (RUP) is decomposed over time into four sequential phases, each concluded by a major milestone; each phase is essentially a span of time between two major milestones. At each phase-end an assessment is performed (Activity: Lifecycle Milestone Review) to determine whether the objectives of the phase have been met. A satisfactory assessment allows the project to move to the next phase.

Worker Roles Reverences

Worker Roles gives the Roles and Activities in a project. The Testers role is the one of the five Role Sets this course covers.

Workers Roles