Session 4 Module 3 The RUP Testing Discipline


Module 3 teaches you the basic vocabulary, as these testing terms are used throughout the remainder of the course. 

You will learn about the Tester's Roles, Test Workflow, Test Activities, and the Test Artifacts.


To introduce the concepts and vocabulary used in the IBM Rational Unified Process (RUP); the terminology, the testing descipline and the testing workflow structure.

Instructional Notes

The Module 3 give a set of pdf slides with Presenter notes tabs at the top of each page. You must click on this tab to read the Presenter notes.

Module 3 The RUP Testing Discipline

The Module 3 Student Manual is a pdf of the slides with the Presenter notes on the same page. These pages might be easier to follow, but are not as colorful.

Student Manual The RUP Testing Discipline

Additional Reverence Linka

The following link give you the details for each of the Tester's Roles, Test Workflow, Test Activities, and the Test Artifacts in the production process.

It is important to note that each Tester has a set of activities and artifacts (documents) they are responsible to mantain or co-maintain with the other members of the Testing Team.

Role Details in the Test Discipline

Roles in the Test Discipline

Workflow Details in the Test Discipline

Test Workflow

Test Workflow Detail Test and Evaluate

Test Workflow Detail Verify Test Approach

Test Workflow Detail Achieve Acceptable Mission

Test Workflow Detail Define Evaluation Mission

Test Workflow Detail Improve Test Assests

Test Workflow Detail Validate Build Stability

Activity Overview in the Test Discipline

Test Activity Overview

Artifact Overview in the Test Discipline

Test Artifacts Overview