Excel Macros - UserForms

At times, you might have to collect information repeatedly from others. Excel VBA provides you with an easy way of handling this task- UserForm. As any other form that you fill up, UserForm makes it simple to understand, what information is to be provided. UserForm is user friendly in the way that the controls provided are self-explanatory, accompanied by additional instructions where necessary.

Major advantage of UserForm is that you can save on time that you spend on what and how the information is to be filled.

Creating a UserForm

To create a UserForm, proceed as follows −

Creating UserForm

The UserForm appears on the right side of the window.

UserForm Appears

Understanding the UserForm

Maximize the UserForm.xlsx – UserForm1 window.

You are in the design mode now. You can insert controls on the UserForm and write code for the respective actions. The controls are available in the ToolBox. Properties of UserForm are in the Properties window. UserForm1 (caption of the UserForm) is given under Forms in the Projects Explorer.

Understanding UserForm ProjectReport

The changes are reflected in the UserForm, properties and project explorer.

Controls in the ToolBox

A UserForm will have different components. As and when you click on any of the components, either you will be provided with instructions on what and how the information is to be provided or you will be provided with options (choices) to select from. All these are provided by means of ActiveX controls in the ToolBox of the UserForm.

Excel provides two types of controls – Form controls and ActiveX controls. You need to understand the difference between these two types of controls.

Form controls

Form controls are the Excel original controls that are compatible with earlier versions of Excel, starting with Excel version 5.0. Form controls are also designed for use on XLM macro sheets.

You can run macros by using Form controls. You can assign an existing macro to a control, or write or record a new macro. When the control is clicked, the macro. You have already learnt how to insert a command button from Form controls in the worksheet to run a macro. However, these controls cannot be added to a UserForm.

ActiveX controls

ActiveX controls can be used on VBA UserForms. ActiveX controls have extensive properties that you can use to customize their appearance, behavior, fonts and other characteristics.

You have the following ActiveX controls in the UserForm ToolBox −

In addition to these controls, Visual Basic provides you with MsgBox function that can be used to display messages and/or prompt the user for an action.

In the next few sections, you will understand these controls and MsgBox. Then, you will be in a position to choose which of these controls are required to design your UserForm.


You can use Labels for identification purpose by displaying descriptive text, such as titles, captions and / or brief instructions.




You can use a TextBox that is a rectangular box, to type, view or edit text. You can also use a TextBox as a static text field that presents read-only information.



List Box

You can use a List Box to display a list of one or more items of text from which a user can choose. Use a list box for displaying large numbers of choices that vary in number or content.

There are three types of List Boxes −

You can select one of these types of List Boxes, from the Properties window.

ProjectCodes.List = Array ("Proj2016-1", "Proj2016-2", "Proj2016-3", "Proj20164", "Proj2016-5") 

Initialize Select Run

Next, you can write code for actions on selecting an item in the list. Otherwise, you can just display the text that is selected, which is the case for filling the Project Code in the Report.


You can use ComboBox that combines a text box with a list box to create a dropdown list box. A combo box is more compact than a list box but requires the user to click the down arrow to display the list of items. Use a combo box to choose only one item from the list.


Type the following as shown below.

ProjectCodes2.List = Array ("Proj2016-1", "Proj2016-2", "Proj2016-3", "Proj20164", "Proj2016-5") 

Code Window Run Tab

Click the down arrow to display the list of items.

Click Down Arrow

Click on the required item, say, Project2016-5. The selected option will be displayed in the combo box.

Required Item


You can use check boxes to select one or more options that are displayed by clicking in the boxes. The options will have labels and you can clearly visualize what options are selected.

A check box can have two states −

You can use check boxes for selection of options in a combo box to save space. In such a case, the check box can have a third state also −

CheckBox Boxes


You can use an option button, also known as the radio button to make a single choice within a limited set of mutually exclusive choices. An option button is usually contained in a group box or a frame.

An option button is represented by a small circle. An option button can have one of the following two states −


You can use a frame control, also referred to as a group box to group related controls into one visual unit. Typically, option buttons, check boxes or closely related contents are grouped in a frame control.

A frame control is represented by a rectangular object with an optional label.

Frame Selected Option


You can use a toggle button to indicate a state, such as Yes or No, or a mode, such as on or off. The button alternates between an enabled and a disabled state when it is clicked.

Insert a toggle button on UserForm as shown below −

TogglebButton Default

Click the toggle button. The toggle button will be disabled.

Toggle Button

If you click the toggle button again, it will be enabled.


You can use a command button to run a macro that performs some actions when the user clicks on it. You have already learnt how to use a command button on a worksheet to run a macro.

Command button is also referred to as a push button. Insert a command button on the UserForm as shown below −


CommandButton1 Daily Report

Click the command button. The dropdown list of combo box opens, as it is the action that you have written in the code.

Combo Box


You can insert a tab strip that resembles Excel tabs on the UserForm.


You can use a scroll bar to scroll through a range of values by clicking on the scroll arrows or by dragging the scroll box.

Insert a scroll bar on the UserForm by drawing it at the required position and adjust the length of the scroll bar.

TextBox2.Text = "Scrolling Values" 

Scrolling Value ScrollBar Report

Drag the scroll box. The Text – Scrolling Values will be displayed in the text box as you specified it as the action for scroll bar scroll.

Text Box

MsgBox ()

You can use the MsgBox () function to display a message when you click on something. It can be a guideline or some information or a warning or an error alert.

For example, you can display a message that values are being scrolled when you start scrolling the scroll box.

MsgBox Function

Message Box Icon Displays

You can use message-box icon displays that portray the specific message. You have the multiple message box icons to suit your purpose −

MsgBox "Select Ok or Cancel", vbOKCancel, "OK  - Cancel Message" 
MsgBox "It's an Error!", vbCritical, "Run time result" 
MsgBox "Why this value", vbQuestion, "Run time result" 
MsgBox "Value Been for a Long Time", vbInformation, "Run time result" 
MsgBox "Oh Is it so", vbExclamation, "Run time result" 

You will get the following message boxes successively.

Message Boxes

Designing UserForm

Now, you have an understanding of the different controls that you can use on a UserForm. Select the controls, group them if required and arrange them on the UserForm as per some meaningful sequence. Write the required actions as code corresponding to the respective controls.

Refer to the VBA tutorial in this tutorials library for an example of UserForm.