Presentations, Notes, Links, & Programs
Presentations & Notes
Landsat Data Gap Working Group Readiness Plan
Remote Sensing Principles
CCAD-NASA Agreement
Tropical Agricultural RS
LACIE Phase I Accuracy Plan.pdf
LACIE Phase III Accuracy Report.pdf
LACIE Phase I & II Accuracy Report.pdf
LACIE (Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment)
Contra Costa County California Land Use Map
Programs & Links
Program calculating the peak of radiation emission (Wien's Displacement Law)
Program Calculating the Crossover between incoming solar and outgoing terrestrial radiation
NOAA Satellites Status
Worldwide Satellite Launch Schedule
History of Satellite launches and upcoming launches
Where to get remote sensing data by NASA (free data)
USGS Searching for data page
Example Images for purchase
Landsat Missions, World Wide Landsat Scenes (jpg high resolution)
Landsat Data Continuity - Launch of Landsat 8
EROS Data Center, USGS
MODIS Instrument on Terra and Aqua Spacecraft - NASA
AMSR passive Microwave Sea Ice Maps
ASTRIUM (SPOT and other satellite data)
Geoeye (Indian Research Satellite)
Satellite Imoging Corporation (Ikonos & Geoeye spacecraft etc.)
Rapid Eye German Satellite
HICO and RAIDS Hyperspectral Imager on the International Space Station
Uk-DMC-2 Multispectral Satellite (joint UK-Spain mission)
Spot Satellite
Free images for a few sites
Get Texas Lidar Data from Bureau of Economic Geology
Get Texas Lidar Data from TNRIS
USGS Global Visualization Viewer (search and order tool)
Global Land Survey (GLS) free imagery
Hough Transform
Aerial photos, satellite images, elevation maps & digitized maps
Earth Explorer (finding remote sensing imagery)
NOVA video "Earth from Space"
Aquarius Satellite program description and data
Remote Sensing