Memory and File Protection

Date on which it was created: Created: February 2, 2004
Date on which it was last-updated:Last Updated: February 2, 2004

Sub Module version number: Version 0.1
Author of the sub module: Dr. Ping Chen

Code: OSS2


This submodule covers memory and file protection mechanism in an operating system.




This submodule discusses techniques used for memory and address protection and file protection. Memory and address protection can be built into the hardware mechanisms, such as fence, relocation, base/bounds registers, tagged architecture, segmentation, paging. File protection means include all-none protection, group protection, single permissions and temporary acquired permission.

Lecture Notes

Notes 1


Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3




Memory hierarchy: A typical computer has several different levels of storage. Each level of storage has a different speed, cost, and size. The levels form a storage hierarchy, in which the topmost levels (those nearest the processor) are fastest, most expensive and smallest.

Memory protection: Many operating systems support protection of memory pages. Individual pages may be protected against a combination of read, write or execute accesses by a process.

Distributed file system: A distributed file system is a client/server-based application that allows clients to access and process data stored on the server as if it were on their own computer. When a user accesses a file on the server, the server sends the user a copy of the file, which is cached on the user's computer while the data is being processed and is then returned to the server.