Analysis of User Login Log in Windows 2000

Created: February 12, 2004
Updated: February 12, 2004

Assignment version number: Version 0.1
Author: Ping Chen

Level of Difficulty: Moderate

Completion Time: 1 week

Progaramming involved: No


In this project, students will study a user login log file in a Windows 2000 system.


Check the user loing log file in a Windows 2000 system, and analyze the login activities for the last 24 hours. Some information about user log is:

EventID Description
------- -----------
514 An authentication package has been loaded by the LSA
515 A trusted logon process has registered with the LSA
518 A notification package has been loaded by the Security
Account Manager
528 Successful Logon
529 Logon Failure: Unknown user name or bad password
530 Logon Failure: Account logon time restriction violation
531 Logon Failure: Account currently disabled
532 Logon Failure: The specified user account has expired
533 Logon Failure: User not allowed to logon at this computer
534 Logon Failure: The user has not been granted the requested
logon type at this machine
535 Logon Failure: The specified account's password has expired
536 Logon Failure: The NetLogon component is not active
537 Logon Failure: An unexpected error occurred during logon
538 User Logoff
539 Logon Failure: Account locked out
644 User Account Locked Out

And more details can be found here.

