Developing a Simple Sensor Application using Crossbow Devices and Xserve

a) Learning objectives:

To develop a simple sensing application (MyApp_Sensor) that samples the temperature on a sensor board and sends the message packet over a RS- 232 serial connection or a USB connection to the monitoring terminal using a Programming board/Gateway interface.

Students will learn:

o How to create a simple Mote firmware application that reads the temperature sensor data from the sensor board.
o How to program the Mote with a Programming board using the Programmer’s Notepad.
o How to use the X-serve application to display the sensor data at the Monitoring Terminal

b) Tools Utilized:
MICA2 Mote: Standard edition of MICA2
One Sensor or Data acquisition board: MTS 310
One Gateway/Programming board: MIB510/MIB 520
A Windows PC with MoteWorks platform installed

NOTE: The configuration of the devices and their relationships with the programmer’s station is depicted in Figure 1. Illustrated in Figure 2 are the procedure and the configuration of various components used in developing a sensor application.

Figure 1. Hardware Configuration of the Simple Sensing Application

Figure 2. Configuration and Procedure for Developing a Sensor Application

c) Observation:
By successful execution of the simple sensing application the Monitoring Terminal receives the sensor data.
To display the sensor reading we use the Xserve application in the Cygwin command prompt window.
In default, Xserve displays the updated sensor data every second.

Figure 3. Snapshot of Programmer’s Notepad and MoteConfig Interface

Figure 4. Snapshot of output from a Cygwin based Xserve interface

d) Application classification: The application can be classified as a study experiment because it involves some programming of Motes.

e) How it may be implemented in the lab:

By using the required Crossbow Devices and a PC that has the Crossbow MoteWorks development platform installed on it.

Also follow the detailed instructions that are provided in the MoteWorks Getting Started Guide available at

f) Level of difficulty: The level of difficulty of the project is easy.