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T. Andrew Yang

Tel.: (281) 283-3835


  • Recent Submission
A Web-based Application Development Course for the Computing Curricula 2001/NC3 Track (submitted to the 2002 International World Wide Web Conference)

  • Selected Publications

“Integration of Computer Simulation and Visualization Research into Undergraduate Degree Programs”, T. A. Yang, Proceedings of the 2001 Winter Simulation Conference, 12/2001.  

“Distributed Multimedia Application for Integrated Scientific Simulation and Visualization”, T. A. Yang, and Y. Sun, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS) , 2001.

“Development of a Web-based Visualization System for Scientific Simulation”, T. A. Yang, Z. Cross, and S. MacMaster, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Exposition (ICME) , 2001.

“Development of a Distributed Visualization System for Neural Network Simulation”, T. A. Yang, Proceedings of the IEEE-INNS [1] International Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2001.

“Computer Security & Impact on Computer Science Education”, T. A. Yang, Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, CCSC [2] , 2001.

“Performance Comparison of Database Access on the Internet – Java Servlets vs CGI”, Proceedings of World Multi Conferences on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informics (SCI'2000), 2000.

“Performance Metering of Distributed Access Using Java Servlets”, A. Yang, and J. Kim, Proceedings of the ADBIS [ 3] Conference , 1999.

“Developing Integrated Web and Database Applications Using JAVA Applets and JDBC Drivers”, A. Yang, J. Linn and D. Quadrato, Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGCSE [ 4] Technical Symposium, 1998.

“The Inclusion of WWW Development into an Information Systems Curriculum”, A. Yang, J. Linn, and D. Quadrato, Proceedings of the World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informics (SCI'97), 1997.

“JAVA for Web Programming”, A. Yang, Proceedings of the 4 th Southern New England Science and Technology Exchange Conference, 1996.

“Loose-Coupling for Software Integration”, A. Yang, Proceedings of the 2 nd Southern New England Science and Technology Exchange Conference, 1994.

 “Multimedia Applications Using Microsoft Excel”, B. Workman, F. Lin, and A. Yang, International Conference for Instructional & Educational Technology , 1994.

“Motion Processing for Geographical Database Systems: Path Query Specification and MoBiLe Files", Toneluh Andrew Yang, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Minnesota, 1993.

“MoBiLe Files and Efficient Processing of Path Queries on Scientific Data”, S. Shekhar and A. Yang, IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, 1992.

“Motion in Geographical Database Systems”, S. Shekhar and A. Yang, Proceedings of the Symposium of Large Spatial Databases (SSD), 1991.

“Path Planning and Evaluation in IVHS Databases”, S. Shekhar, A. Yang, etc., Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Vehicle Navigation & Information Systems, 1991.

“Geographical Databases for IVHS Management”, S. Shekhar, A. Yang, etc., Proceedings of the International Conference on the Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering (AATT), 1991.

“Exploring Headsup Displays for Driver Workload Management in Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems”, S. Shekhar, M. Coyle, A. Yang, etc., Proceedings of the International Conference on the Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering (AATT), 1991.

“Human Factors Safety Issues in Intelligent Vehicles Highway Systems”, P. Hancock, S. Shekhar, A. Yang, etc., Bulletin of the Safety Technical Group of the Human Factors Society, 1991.

“Requirements Specification for Expert Systems: A Case Study”, J. Slagle, W.T. Tsai, A. Yang, etc., University of Minnesota, Computer Science Technical Report, TR88-44, 1988.

[1] INNS: International Neural Networks Society

[2] CCSC: Consortium of Computing for Small Colleges

[3] ADBIS: Advances in Databases and Information Systems

[4] SIGCSE: Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education