Java Programming Examples and Related Topics

Last revision: June 15, 2017

Comments and corrections should be sent to Dr. T. Andrew Yang at

1.      Proper indentation

2.      About String, Integer

3.      Object-Oriented Programming

+ Inheritance, Polymorphism, Interface

+ Q&A: Abstract classes and getInstance( )

4.      Loops

5.      Files and Streams

6.      Arrays

7.      ArrayList

8.      Packages

9.      Enum

10.   Exceptions

11.   Applets

12.   LinkedList

13.   Stacks

14.   Queues

15.   Recursion (versus Iteration)

16.   Trees

17.   Sorting

18.   Hashing



19.   Java Tutorials



1.      Proper indentation is important

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2.      Data types

2.1.   Some important stuff about String (references)


2.3.   A sample program about Integer: IntegerTest.htm

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3.      Object-Oriented Programming

3.1.         GradeBookExercise //based on Deitel & Deitel, Java: How to Programming, 9th edition.

3.2.         methodsExercise //demonstration of method calls

3.3.         instanceVariablesExercise // demonstration of objects as instance variables of another object

3.4.         AccessModifiersAndPackages.htm // test access modifiers of instance variables and classes of the same package

3.5.         InheritanceAndPolymorphism // a simple application that illustrates how polymorphism works

3.6.         AbstractClassDemo // a simple application that illustrates how abstract classes works

3.7.         AbstractClassDemo2 // a simple application that illustrates how an abstract class can be used as a generic type of parameters

3.8.         InterfaceDemo.htm //demonstration of interface

3.9.         Q&A: Abstract classes and getInstance( )

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4.      Loops

4.1.         The Oscillator application //demonstration of nested loops

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5.      Files and Streams

5.1.         FileReaderTest // Demonstration of reading input from a data file using FileReader class

5.2.         FileInputStreamExample // Demonstration of reading input from a data file using FileInputStream class // source:

5.3.         Scanning a data file using the Scanner class

5.4.         Reading a data file into an array of bytes and printing words by words on console output //based on FileReaderTest

5.5. // demo of saving some objects into a file using ObjectOutputStream and retrieving them bask using ObjectInputStream


5.6. //Fig. 17.3: from Deitel & Deitel, Java How to Program, 9e.

// File class used to obtain file and directory information.


5.7.         CreateTextFileTest //Fig. 17.5 每 17.7: from Deitel & Deitel, Java How to Program, 9e.

// This application demonstrates writing lines of attributes into a text file.

5.8.         ReadTextFileTest //Fig. 17.9 每 17.10: from Deitel & Deitel, Java How to Program, 9e.

// This application demonstrates reading lines of attributes from a text file.

// Note: Run CreateTextFileTest first to create the data file for this application.


5.9.         MenuOptionDemo // Fig. 17.11 每 17.13: from Deitel & Deitel, Java How to Program, 9e.

5.10.      RandomAccessFileDemo //Demo of using RandomAccessFile class to create a file for both read and write operations


5.11.      AccountRecordSerializableDemo //Fig. 17.15 每 17.17: from Deitel & Deitel, Java How to Program, 9e.

// This application demonstrates writing objects of AccountRecordSerializable into a file.

5.12.      ReadSequentialFileTest //Fig. 17.18 每 17.19: from Deitel & Deitel, Java How to Program, 9e.

// This application demonstrates reading objects of AccountRecordSerializableDemo from a file back into the application.

// Note: Run AccountRecordSerializableDemo first to create the data file for this application.

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6.      Arrays

6.1.         Array initialization and OOP

6.2.         ar1.equals(ar2) vs Arrays.equals(ar1,ar2): array comparisons

6.3.         RandomNumbers.htm // from Weiss, "Data Structures & Problem Solving Using Java" (4th edition)

6.4.         RandomNumbers2.htm //revised version to show sort( ) and binarySearch( ) methods

6.5.         Reading a data file into an array of bytes and printing words by words on console output //based on FileReaderTest

6.6.         Arrays of objects: Person.htm // source:

// This application demonstrates how to implement the compareTo( ) method to compare objects in an array.

6.7.         Scanner, array of Student: StudentScannerLoop.htm

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7.      ArrayList

7.1.         ArrayListTest.htm: show how to sort an ArrayList using Collections.sort( )

7.2. a demo of ArrayList with detailed explanations


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8.      Packages

8.1.   JavaPackages.htm

8.2.    AccessModifiersAndPackages.htm // test access modifiers of instance variables and classes of the same package


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9.      Enum

9.1.   EnumTest.htm //Fig. 8.10 and 8.11: from Deitel & Deitel, Java How to Program, 9e.

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10.   Exceptions

10.1.                  Exceptions and Stack Unwinding (using getStackTrace( ) and the StackTraceElement class)

//  Fig. 11.5: from Deitel & Deitel, Java How to Program, 9e.

10.2.                  ExceptionTest.htm

//Demonstrations of Java exceptions + user-defined exceptions (rough)

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11.   Applets

11.1.   AppletHelloWorld //The HelloWorld applet and html files

11.2.   TicTacToeDemo //From the JDK demo applets folder

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12.   LinkedList

12.1.      LinkedListExample1.htm (simple LinkedList of int): // from

12.2.      LinkedListExample3.htm (LinkedList of int and String): // revised from

12.3. //a simple demo of linked list creation and node removal (with limitations); see below for the complete removal

12.4. // Creation and testing of a generic linked list


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13.   Stacks

13.1.      A very simple program using Stack: StackDemo.htm (from

13.2.      StackPerson.htm (revised from StackDemo)

13.3.      ArrayStackDemo (a generic Stack implemented as a dynamic array)


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14.   Queues

14.1.      Implemented as a dynamic array: ArrayQueueTest.htm

14.2.      Implemented as a linked list: ListQueueTest.htm

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15.   Recursion (and Iteration)

15.1.      A simple recursive function (with exercises)

15.2.      Another recursive function (with exercises)

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16.   Trees

16.1.      BinaryTreeDemo (from

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17.   Sorting

17.1.      SortDemo (from

17.2.      QuickSortDemo

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18.   Hashing

18.1.      HashingDemo (demo of the separate chaining hashing technique)

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19.   Java Tutorials


19.2. (part 1)

19.3. (part 2)







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