Oral Communication Rubric – Roanoke College, January 2010



Below Basic




Purpose and  Focus

Communication does not meet the assignment.  It lacks an awareness of  purpose and central idea. 

Communication meets the assignment, but the focus is too broad, weak, or unclear.

Communication meets the assignment.  Central idea is clear and represents adequate understanding of purpose of the communication.

Communication meets the assignment.  Central idea is clear and reflects nuanced awareness of and relationship to purpose of communication.


Development is uncritical, illogical, superficial, or simplistic.



Development is logical in some places but faulty or simplistic in others.   Development lacks awareness of audience.

Development is logical and consistent throughout.  Still may be lacking strategic adaptation to audience.

Development is clear and logical.  It offers original and interesting insights into the topic.  Development holds the attention of the audience and is strategically adapted to audience and purpose.

Supporting Materials

 Little to no concrete supporting materials or materials may be irrelevant to central idea and purpose.

Some material but not enough to support purpose of communication in a unified way.  Material may be inaccurate, irrelevant, or inappropriate for the purpose of the communication or for audience.

Material is accurate, well documented, and relevant, providing adequate support  for the purpose of the communication.

Material is interesting, engaging, relevant, accurate, well integrated, and well documented.  It provides ample support for the purpose of the communication and is strategically appropriate for audience. 


Lacks a sense of overall structure; no clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Segments lack logic, clarity, and exclusivity. Lacks transitional words, phrases, and sentences between or within paragraphs.


Contains an overall sense of beginning, middle, and end, but segment sequence may be confusing or lacking in exclusivity. The order, balance, or clarity of developing material is inconsistent. Little or inappropriate use of transitions.

Obvious structure and arrangement of ideas. Transitions present, but may be not be adequate to clearly signal a position in the organization to the audience.  Organization chosen may not be the most effective for audience.

Rational, sensible, and deliberate structure that enhances and clarifies meaning. Easy for audience to grasp all relationships among ideas.  Transitions used effectively.

Organization is strategically appropriate for audience and purpose.

Style and  Delivery

Voice and body seriously detract from message.  Eye contact is absent or seriously insufficient.  If present, visual aids are not used effectively.  Speaker lacks control of material.  Delivery style may be halting or indirect.

Voice and body detract from message.  Eye contact is sporadic.  If present, visual aids are not used effectively.  Speaker lacks control of material.  Delivery style may be halting or indirect.

Voice and body don’t detract seriously from message.  Eye contact is adequate to establish communication.  If present, visual aids are used adequately.  Speaker has enough control of material to prevent choppy delivery.

Integrates verbal and nonverbal communication skills in a polished way.  Delivered with fluency, lively energy, and engagement.  It holds the attention of the audience throughout presentation.  Eye contact is very strong.  Voice and body reinforce message.  If present, visual aids are used effectively.  Speaker is in complete control of material. 


Source: https://www.roanoke.edu/documents/AcademicAffairs/Faculty%20Development/Presentations%20Criteria%20and%20Rubrics.docx