Review for the first exam (CSCI 3134)

A.     To prepare for the exam ¨C

1.      Review thoroughly chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4.

2.      Review labs 1, 2, and 3.

3.      Review the in-class exercises.

4.      Use the lecture notes as guide to study the following topics:

a)      Computers, applications, software development

b)      Numbering systems (especially binary and hexadecimal systems)

c)      Java applications development: commands, environments

d)      Object-oriented programming: classes, attributes (aka. fields, instance variables), methods, the caller/client, instance methods versus static methods, instance variables versus local variables, ¡­

e)      Structured programming: control structures, if ¡­ else ¡­, while loop, pseudocodes, flowcharting

f)       Program design using UML: class diagrams, associations, activity diagrams

g)      Comparison between flowcharting and activity diagrams

5.      Use the chapter-end exercises to assess your own preparation


B.     Types of questions ¨C

a)      Fill in the blanks

b)      Tracing the execution and screen output of a program or program segments

c)      Program design (using pseudocodes, flowcharts, and UML class diagram)

d)      Definition of simple Java classes and methods