CSCI 3333 (Spring 2012)

Review for the final exam

A.     To prepare for the exam, use the lecture notes as study guides, and ensure that you truly understand the covered topics.

1.      Review thoroughly the following topics.

a.      Basic concepts of data structures and algorithm analysis, big-Oh, little-Oh, Big-Omega, Big-Theta,

b.     Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Binary Search Trees,

c.      Recursions (and Recursive traces), Tree Traversals, conversion between recursive and iterative methods,

d.     Hashing and techniques for collisions,

e.      Sorting (bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, Shell sort, Quick sort),

f.       Algorithm analysis of various data structures and methods,

g.      Intro. to software engineering

2.      Review ALL labs.

3.      Review the in-class exercises.

4.      Review related sample programs available at

5.      Use the chapter-end exercises to assess your own preparation.

6.      Here¡¯s a sample exam: CSCI3333-spring2011-final.doc


B.     Types of questions ¨C

a)      Fill in the blanks

b)      Tracing the execution and screen output of programs or program segments

c)      Definition of simple Java classes and methods