T. Andrew Yang

Email: yang@uhcl.edu




(281) 2833835 

Last updated:


2/21: Correction of spring break week

1/18: TA hours posted

1/15: schedule updated with new links

1/14/2025: first posted

CSCI 3341 Cyber Attacks and Defense

spring 2025  (1/13 – 4/28 + final exam)

-       Instruction Mode:

·       This class will be held as a face-to-face class with supplemental services using Canvas, Zoom, and UHCL websites. 

Normally, students are expected to attend the class in person in the assigned classroom. However, when necessary (e.g., as announced by the university or the professor), the class may be taught as a remote class via Zoom. When a class session is conducted as an online class, click https://uhcl.zoom.us/j/93285948037?pwd=U3NJMmhMaWVjZy9INUxwbS9ENDBvZz09 to join the class online.

-       Using Canvas:

·       Class-related announcements and discussions are posted in the Canvas. Be sure to check the posted messages (in the Discussion section) before each of the class meetings.

·       For those who are new to Canvas, visit the UHCL's Canvas Student Support page (at https://www.uhcl.edu/computing/course-development/canvas-student-support) to become familiar with the app.

Class Notes, Topics & Schedule

Grading policy

Time (Classroom)

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10:00am – 11:20am (Delta 201)

Course Description: This course introduces the basics of cyber attacks and cyber defense mechanisms, with an emphasis on cyber operations. It discusses what cybersecurity entails in organizational and enterprise settings, plus other non-technical factors in securing the cyberspace. The overall objective is to help our future computing professionals develop essential understanding of the fundamental concepts underlying cybersecurity. Students will perform hands-on activities, which enhance the understanding by allowing students to see security in action.

Prerequisite: CSCI 1471 or equivalent


Learning Outcome:

1. Understand attack surfaces and vectors

2. Understand common cyber attacks

3. Understand the defense-in-depth principle

4. Understand security fundamentals

5. Understand and practice Python security modules

6. Practice fundamental cryptography using programming and software tools


Class Format: Lectures are combined with discussions and hands-on exercises. Students are expected to be active participants, by studying the relevant chapters and/or research papers, and participating at in-class discussions/exercises.


Lifelong learning

“Education is not something you can finish.” (Isaac Asimov)

A note about Bloom's Taxonomy and your learning …

(source: https://tips.uark.edu/using-blooms-taxonomy/ )

Instructor: Dr. T. Andrew Yang

-      Email address: yang@uhcl.edu

-      Web site: https://sceweb.uhcl.edu/yang

-      Office: Delta 174

-      Phone: (281) 283-3835 (Please leave a message if not available.)


-      Drop-in Office Hours:

Tuesdays: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Wednesdays: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Thursdays: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

o   In-person: D174

o   via Zoom meetings, click this link during the posted office hours: https://uhcl.zoom.us/j/93285948037?pwd=U3NJMmhMaWVjZy9INUxwbS9ENDBvZz09


-      To communicate with the professor, you are encouraged to email your questions or issues to yang@uhcl.edu and, if necessary, set up a time with the professor to have an online meeting. Emails are typically replied within 24 hours. If you have not received a response within 24 hours, either send a reminder email or leave a message at (281) 283-3835.


-      Using emails effectively:

Emailing has become an indispensable tool in most work places.

Emails without a subject line or the signature line will be considered as potentially malicious and be discarded. Here is a sample subject line: "CSCI 4323 Lab #1, question 3". The signature line should have your full name and the name of the class.

Although email messages tend to be informal, please check the grammar and spelling of your messages to ensure their legibility.

Try to provide sufficient details in your email message, such as the problem(s) you have encountered, the solution(s) you have tried, and the outcome you have got from these solution(s).

Teaching assistant info and office hours


Jaknalli, Shriya

Email: JAKNALLIS0447@UHCL.edu


Office hours:

  • Monday: 12:00 PM – 5:30 PM    
  • Tuesday: 11:30 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Zoom meet: https://uhcl.zoom.us/j/8969663039


TA’s office hours are conducted in Delta PC Lab (2nd floor) and as Zoom meetings as well.


Required Text:

Full Stack Python Security: Cryptography, TLS, and attack resistance. Dennis Byrne. Manning, 2021. ISBN-10: 1617298824, ISBN-13: 978-1617298820.


NOTE: The textbook can be purchased from the publisher’s site at https://www.manning.com/books/fullstack-python-security.


Source codes from the book are available from the publisher’s site at https://livebook.manning.com/book/full-stack-python-security/welcome/v-4/8.

+ Instructor's handouts in the class and/or on the Web

Topics and Notes­

NOTE: The following schedule will be adhered to as closely as possible, although changes are probable. Always check with your instructor if you are not sure about what would be covered next week.

week (dates)

Topics & Slides (Book: Chapters)

Due Dates

1 (1/14, 16)

-       Syllabus

§  Canvas (Discussion Board, Labs, Exams, etc.), Web (syllabus & schedule), Zoom, Emails

-       Developing Python applications

§   To run a Python script on your computer

§  To generate a hash value from a given message


2 (1/21, 23)

-       Defense in depth and security fundamentals (Ch. 1)

-       Python security libraries (Ch. 1)

-       A brief self-intro in the Canvas Discussion (1/21)

-       Sending your photo in Canvas (1/21)

3 (1/28, 30)

-       Cryptographic Foundations using Python

-       Hashing (Ch. 2)


4 (2/4, 6)

-       Keyed hashing (Ch. 3)

5 (2/11, 13)

Quiz (2/11, no lectures after the Quiz)


-       Keyed hashing cont. (Ch. 3)

Quiz, 2/11, 10:00 am - 10:30 am

6 (2/18, 20)

-       Symmetric encryption/decryption (Ch. 4)

§  Pipenv, cryptography, etc.

Lab 1

7 (2/25, 27)

-       Asymmetric encryption/decryption (Ch. 5)

Review for Test 1


8 (3/4, 6)


Test 1 (3/4)

10:00 am - 11:20 am

9 (3/11, 13)

-       Transport Layer Security (Ch. 6)


10 (3/18, 20)

-       Spring break; no class meetings

11 (3/25, 27)



12 (4/1, 3)

-       Authentication and Authorization


13 (4/8, 10)


Lab 2

14 (4/15, 17)

-       Attack resistance

-       Review for Test 2


15 (4/22, 24)

-       Take your online course evaluations at https://apps.uhcl.edu/OnlineEvals (before the last teaching day).



-       Final exam week

Test 2: Thursday, 5/1, 10:00 am - 11:30 am



Test 2





A brief self-intro in the Canvas Discussion


Sending your photo in Canvas


In-class labs (5% each x 4)


Take-home labs (10% each x 2)




Test 1


Test 2







+ Attendance Policy: You are expected to attend all classes. If you have ever missed a class, be sure to discover from your classmates and/or the instructor what might have been covered. It is your responsibility to get hold of whatever may have been discussed in the class.

Class Participation: Participating in the class is expected. You should ask or answer questions during the in-class or online discussions.

Grading Scale:

The accumulated points from all the categories determine a person's final grade. There will be no extra-credit projects.






94% or above



74% - 76%


90% - 93%



70% - 73%


87% - 89%



67% - 69%


84% - 86%



64% - 66%


80% - 83%



61% - 63%


77% - 79%



Less than 61%


Grading policy:

-      All students are graded the same way according to the grading scale posted above.

-      Unless a grading error is found in an exam or assignment, a student’s grade will NEVER be changed once it is assigned.

-      No extra projects or assignments would be given to an individual student to help improve his/her grades.


o   Your grades will be continually updated in the Canvas. It is your obligation to monitor your grade-in-progress regularly, and immediately ask questions or seek help if you are concerned.

o   Once a grade is assigned and posted (in the Canvas), a student may appeal for correction of the assigned grade (if a grading error is found) within a week. After that, the grade is finalized.

o   Never bother to appeal for a change of your grade once it is finalized; the best and proper time of improving your chance of earning a good grade is before it is finalized.

Quizzes, Tests, and Exams:

Both analytic and synthetic abilities are emphasized. Being able to apply the learned knowledge toward problem solving is also highly emphasized in the tests. 

Unless due to unexpected, documented emergency, no makeup tests or quizzes will be given.

Assignments and Late Penalty:

Assignments will be posted on the class web site as well as in the Canvas. The due date and time of each assignment is specified when it is published in the Canvas.

A late assignment will not be graded. No extension will be granted except for documented emergency. Starting to work on the assignments as early as possible is always the best strategy.


Assignments Guidelines:

-      Identification page: All assignments must have your name, and course name/number/section number (e.g., CSCI 3341) at the top of the first page.

-      Proper organization of submitted material: If your submission include multiple documents, combine all of them into a single document (for example, a single PDF or ZIP).

-      Order! Order! Arrange the solutions following the sequence of the questions. Write the question number at the top-right corner of each page.

-      Word processing: It is required that you type your reports (e.g., print them using a printer). Use a word processor and appropriate typesetting and/or drawing tools to do the assignments. Spellcheck the whole document before printing it. You may lose points due to spelling or grammatical errors. 

A note about problem-solving:

An important part of problem solving is correct understanding of the given problem.

-      Try to have a good grasp of the problem before starting the process of finding the solution(s).

-      Use any resources, including the instructor, the TA, your classmates/friends, and online resources to ensure that you have correctly understood the given problem.

-      While trying to figure out the solution(s), continue to verify your understanding of the problem.

-      Read the given instructions carefully before taking any action; while preparing your solutions, be sure to follow the given instructions.

NOTE: When a grade is assigned, the grade can only be appealed within a week after the grade has been posted. Always review a graded lab or test immediately and, if needed, talk to the instructor within a week.

Academic Honesty Policy:

NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, all assignments, projects, quizzes, tests and exams are individual work.

Students should take caution not to violate the academic honesty policy specified by the university.

Per the UHCL academic honesty policy, plagiarism is defined as follow.


a. Incorporating the work or idea of another person into one’s own work without acknowledging the source of that work or idea.

b. Attempting to receive credit for work performed by another person, including papers obtained in whole or part from individuals or other sources.

c. Copying copyrighted computer programs or data files belonging to someone else.

Visit http://cse.uhcl.edu/yang/citing.htm for more information about cited references.

Instructor's Notes:

-      Important: If you think you have lost some points due to grading errors, make sure you approach the instructor within a week after the assignment, project, or test has been graded.

-      To get the most out of this class, you need to read the textbooks and spend time using computers regularly. Be prepared for a class by previewing the material to be covered in that class and participate in discussions and problem-solving exercises, if applicable, in the class.

-      Taking notes and understanding what are covered in classes are essential for successfully passing the exams.

-      As a student being trained to become a professional person, you are expected to behave according to the professional codes of conduct (e.g., the IEEE Code of Conduct) or code of ethics (e.g., the ACM Code of Ethics).

As a starting point, listed below are some of the common behaviors that do not conform to the codes of ethics:

-       Being regularly late for the class.

-       Chatting with another person while the instructor or someone is giving a speech in class.

-       Being regularly late when submitting assignments.

-       Asking the instructor or the TA for a favor when submitting a late assignment.

-       Checking out others’ answers during an exam.

-       Continuing to write when an exam’s time is up, or submitting an online exam past the due time.

-       Violating academic honesty when working on the assignments or exams.

-       Using others’ write-up without proper citing when writing a paper or report.

-       …

Related Links:

·  UHCL General Program Requirements: https://catalog.uhcl.edu/current/


· Withdrawals, Appeals, GPA, Repeated Courses, and the 6 Drop Rule: https://www.uhcl.edu/registrar/enrollment/six-drop-rule



The School of Science and Computer Engineering may use assessment tools in this course and other courses for curriculum evaluation.  Educational assessment is defined as the systematic collection, interpretation, and use of information about student characteristics, educational environments, learning outcomes, and client satisfaction to improve program effectiveness, student performance, and professional success. This assessment will be related to the learning objectives for each course and individual student performance will be disaggregated relative to these objectives.  This disaggregated analysis will not impact student grades, but will provide faculty with detailed information that will be used to improve courses, curriculum, and student performance.

· UHCL Disability Policy:

If you believe that you have a disability requiring an academic adjustment/auxiliary aid, please contact the Accessibility Support Center by phone at 281-283-2648, or email disability@uhcl.edu, or go to the office in the Student Services Building (SSCB), Room 1.302.

The University of Houston System complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, pertaining to the provision of reasonable academic adjustments/auxiliary aids for students with a disability. In accordance with Section 504 and ADA guidelines, each University within the System strives to provide reasonable academic adjustments/auxiliary aids to students who request and require them.


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