Topic: Keyed Hashing and Data Authentication

            Figure 1: A sample script using hmac

Figure 2: Alice verifies Bob’s identity with a shared key and an HMAC function

            Figure 3: A Python script that simulates the above scenario

            Figure 4: Examples of using json.dumps( ) and json.loads()


Figure 1: A sample script using hmac

import hashlib

import hmac

# reference:


msg1 = 'message'

print("\nhmac using sha256 ...........")

hmac_sha256 ='key1', msg=msg1.encode(), digestmod=hashlib.sha256)

#A string must be encoded first before hashing.


print("original mesg: ", msg1)

print("mac produced by digest(): ", hmac_sha256.digest())

print("mac produced by hexdigest(): ", hmac_sha256.hexdigest())

print("size: ", hmac_sha256.digest_size)


print("\nhmac using md5 ...........")

hmac_md5 ='key1', msg=msg1.encode(), digestmod=hashlib.md5)

print("original mesg: ", msg1)

print("mac produced by digest(): ", hmac_md5.digest())

print("mac produced by hexdigest(): ", hmac_md5.hexdigest())

print("size: ", hmac_md5.digest_size)

digest1 = hmac_md5.hexdigest()


#change the message to msg2

msg2 = "message2"


print("\nhmac using sha256 ...........")

print("new mesg: ", msg2)

print("mac produced by hexdigest(): ", hmac_sha256.hexdigest())

print("size: ", hmac_sha256.digest_size)



print("\nhmac using md5 ...........")

print("new mesg: ", msg2)

print("mac produced by hexdigest(): ", hmac_md5.hexdigest())

print("size: ", hmac_md5.digest_size)

digest2 = hmac_md5.hexdigest()

digest2b = hmac_md5.hexdigest()


#DO NOT compare two hashes using ==; it is subject to timing attack.

#Use compare_digest() instead

if ( hmac.compare_digest(digest1, digest2)):

    print(digest1, "is equal to ", digest2)


    print(digest1, "is NOT equal to ", digest2)


if ( hmac.compare_digest(digest2, digest2b)):

    print(digest2, "is equal to ", digest2b)


    print(digest2, "is NOT equal to ", digest2b)


Data Authentication using HMAC:

Figure 2: Alice verifies Bob’s identity with a shared key and an HMAC function (Figure 3.3 of the textbook)



Figure 3: A Python script that simulates the above scenario

#This script simulates that Bob, the sender, sends a message and

#  the message's hash to Alice, the receiver.

#  Alice reads both the message and the accompanied hash and then

#  verifies the integrity of the received message using hmac by comparing

#  the accompanied hash with a freshly generated hash.


import hashlib

import hmac

import json

def Bob():

   hmac_sha256 ='shared_key', digestmod=hashlib.sha256)

   message = b'from Bob to Alice'


   hash_value = hmac_sha256.hexdigest()


   authenticated_msg = {

      'message': list(message),

      'hash_value': hash_value, }

   print("message: ", authenticated_msg['message'])

   print("hash: ", authenticated_msg['hash_value'])

   print("authenticated_msg: ", authenticated_msg)


   outbound_msg_to_alice = json.dumps(authenticated_msg)

   print("outbound_msg_to_alice: ", outbound_msg_to_alice)

   return outbound_msg_to_alice


def Alice (inbound_msg_from_bob):

   authenticated_msg = json.loads(inbound_msg_from_bob)

   message = bytes(authenticated_msg['message'])

   received_hash = authenticated_msg['hash_value']

   print("\nTrying to verify the message: ", message,

       "and hash: ", received_hash)

   hmac_sha256 ='shared_key', digestmod=hashlib.sha256)


   hash_value = hmac_sha256.hexdigest()


   #if hash_value == authenticated_msg['hash_value']:

   if hmac.compare_digest(hash_value, received_hash):

                 print('trust message')


                 print('cannot trust message')


message = Bob()



Figure 4: Examples of using json.dumps( ) and json.loads()

# Examples of using json.dumps() and json.loads() in Python

# source: Google Search Labs|AI Overview (keywords: example python json dumps loads)


import json


# Example data (Python dictionary)

data = {

    "name": "John Doe",

    "age": 30,

    "city": "New York",

    "is_student": False,

    "courses": ["Math", "Science"]



# Using json.dumps() to convert Python dictionary to JSON string

json_string = json.dumps(data, indent=4) # indent for pretty printing

print("JSON string:")



# Using json.loads() to convert JSON string back to Python dictionary

parsed_data = json.loads(json_string)

print("\nParsed Python dictionary:")



# Accessing data from the parsed dictionary

print("\nName:", parsed_data["name"])

print("Age:", parsed_data["age"])

print("Is student:", parsed_data["is_student"])

print("First course:", parsed_data["courses"][0])