Computer Security          Bonus Project (optional)

Note: Completing these projects is optional. A successfully completed project will earn you bonus points, which will be added to your overall earned score at the end of the semester.

Submission instructions:

Project 1                                Project 2


Project 1: A protocol for secure data communication in a network

Bonus points: up to 3%

Suppose you work as a network engineer for a small business company, which possesses a local area network of 100 computers. Your boss, the IT department director, asked you to design a communication protocol for the computers in that network. The protocol should provide the following security services:

a.      For each communication session, the computers should authenticate each other to establish a secure session before data communications are conducted between them. Note: Use digital certificates for mutual authentication.

b.     The data communication should be confidential, and provide data integrity and origin integrity, based on a session key. Note: To support strong security, a session key should be used for one session only and never be reused.

To submit:

a)     The protocol: Design and write down your protocol by clearly indicating the entities (say, computer-A, computer-B), their respective actions (say, create a message, send its certificate to computer-B), the employed cryptographical methods (if any), and any necessary assumptions.

b)     Overall integration: In addition to the protocol itself, explain how the protocol would be incorporated into the network.

c)     Justification: Justify your solution by explaining why you believe your protocol will satisfy the constraints stated above.


Project 2: Creating certificates programmatically and saving them into a keystore

Bonus points: up to 3%

Refer to the following sample programs, all of which deal with keystore and/or certificates.

¡¤ (also check out information at




Develop a Java application that programmatically creates the following certificate chains and saves the created certificate chains to a keystore file.

A<<A>                                    (A is a self-signed root CA.)

A<<B>>A<<A>>                   (B is certified by A; that is, A is B¡¯s CA.)

B<<C>>A<<B>>A<<A>>     (C is certified by B.)

Note: Do not use keytool to create those certificate chains (as is done in your project 3). Be sure the issuer/subject relationships are set up right (as stated above).

To submit:

a)     The Java program(s).

b)     Screen snapshots of running the Java application.

c)     The created keystore file.

d)     Screen shots of the displayed certificate chains (using keytool ¨Clist ¨Cv).