To run a Python script on your computer

T.A. Yang

·        First of all, install a most recent Python package (for example, from


·        If your download and installation is successful, you should have a Python folder and associated programs on your computer.


·        Click the python interpreter (say, Python 3.11 as shown above) to open the interpreter.


·        Visit the Python Tutorial for your version of Python (for example, to learn the Python language.


·        Below is a Python script that prints the first 100 Fibonacci numbers.


#   print first 100 fibonacci numbers
a, b, count = 0, 1, 1
while count <= 100:
   print(b, ' ', end='')
   a, b, count = b, a+b, count+1



·        Copy the above script into a text editor (e.g., Notepad++ on Windows) and save it as a normal text file


·        To run the script, open a Command Prompt and use the command python to run the script. (NOTE: It is assumed that the script is saved in the folder c:\csci4333dir. If you have saved your script in a different location, use that specific location to invoke that script.)