T. Andrew Yang

Email: yang@uhcl.edu

Web:  http://cse.uhcl.edu/yang/

Tel.: (281) 283-3835 

Last updated:


4/11: revised lab 3 due date

2/23: revised schedule

1/19: TA office hours posted

1/17/2021: first posted

CSCI 4391-03

Select Topic in Computer Science: Network Defense

Spring 2021  (1/195/3 + final exam)

Important Information:

o   Visit https://blackboard.uhcl.edu/ to access your classes in the UHCL’s Blackboard system.

·       For those who are new to Blackboard, visit the UHCL's Blackboard Student Support page (at https://www.uhcl.edu/computing/course-development/blackboard-student-support) to become familiar with the Blackboard app.

·        Lectures will be hosted as Blackboard Collaborate Ultra sessions. To learn about the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra:

Video: Student Collaborate Tutorial - Accessing Collaborate in Blackboard [6:07]

Video: Student Collaborate Tutorial - How to View a Recorded Session [3:29]

NOTE: The above tasks should be done as soon as possible, ideally before the start of the new semester.

o   In the Blackboard, a discussion board is available for class-related announcements and discussions. Be sure to check the posted messages at least once a day.

o   Office hours by the professor are to be offered as online sessions using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. You may find those sessions in the Blackboard.

o   Office hours by the TA are offered as Zoom meetings. Check the TA information for details.

o   Important notes about using emails effectively:

Emailing has become an indispensable tool in most work places.

As part of this class’s activities, you are encouraged to contact the instructor via email at yang@uhcl.edu.

Emails without a subject line or the signature line will be considered as potentially malicious and be discarded. Here is a sample subject line: "CSCI 4323 Lab #1, question 3". The signature line should have your full name and the name of the class.

Although email messages tend to be informal, please check the grammar and spelling of your messages to ensure their legibility.

Try to provide sufficient details in your email message, such as the problem(s) you have encountered, the solution(s) you have tried, and the outcome you have got from these solution(s).

Class Notes, Topics & Schedule

Assignments & Projects

TA Information

Time & Classroom

Tues. & Thur., 1:00pm 2:20pm

Note: The online sessions will be recorded. If you ever miss any of the sessions, be sure to watch the recorded video of the class session.


Course Description: Topics to be covered include review of basic concepts and principles related to network defense (networking protocols and cryptography, mission assurance, network policy development and enforcement, etc.), secure network development (network access control, DMZs / proxy servers, network hardening, implementing firewalls, VPNs, etc.), and advanced network defense techniques (honeypots, honeynets, network monitoring, implementing IDS/IPS, etc.)

Prerequisite: Basic understanding of networking technologies (e.g., CSCI 4312 Network Protocols, ITEC 3365 Network Fundamentals) and introduction to cybersecurity (e.g., CSCI 4391 Select Topic - Cyber Attacks and Defense, ITEC 3388 Cyber Security I), or instructor’s approval

Course Objectives: This course provides an essential study of network defense, related vulnerability and security issues, and common tools available for network packet analysis and exploitations.


Learning Outcome:

After having successfully completed the class, one should be able to


1.      Understand fundamental security issues in computer networks

2.      Understand the common mechanisms used in securing a network

3.      Design a TCP/IP network with IP Security

4.      Design and deploy firewalls to secure a private network

5.      Design and deploy a virtual private network to secure remote connections

6.      Select appropriate methods to detect and counter intrusions to a network

7.      Understand other advanced issues related to network security

Class Format:

Lectures are combined with discussions and hands-on projects.

Students are expected to be active participants, by studying the relevant chapters and/or research papers, and participating at in-class discussions.

Life-long learning

“Education is not something you can finish.” (Isaac Asimov)

A note about Bloom's Taxonomy and your learning …

(source: https://tips.uark.edu/using-blooms-taxonomy/ )

Instructor: Dr. T. Andrew Yang

(email address) yang@uhcl.edu


(Web site)  http://cse.uhcl.edu/yang (or https://sceweb.uhcl.edu/yang)


(office) Delta 174

(phone#) (281) 283-3835 (Please leave a message if not available.)

NOTE: If the suite office (D161) is locked, you may use the phone outside the office to call me (by entering the extension 3835).

Teaching assistant info and office hours


Moturi, Rohith

Email: MoturiR7381@UHCL.edu


Office Hours: 

Monday: 9 AM - 3 PM

Tuesday: 9 AM - 1 PM

Wednesday: 9 AM - 1 PM

Location – TA Office Hours are offered online as Zoom meetings at https://us04web.zoom.us/j/72769624090?pwd=dHRtWEh5Tnd5QW5CSlkyR1BvclVxdz09 

Meeting ID: 727 6962 4090 

Passcode: Fall@2020 

Note: Contact the TA, copying the instructor (yang@uhcl.edu), immediately if you have any problem with the TA or the office hours.

Required Text:

·        S: William Stallings. Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards, 6th edition. Pearson. 2017. Print ISBN: 9780134527338, 013452733X; eText ISBN: 9780134527598, 0134527593.

·        D: Wenliang Du. Computer & Internet Security: A Hands-on Approach, 2nd Edition. May 1, 2019. ISBN-10: 1733003932, ISBN-13: 978-1733003933.

+ Instructor's handouts in the class and/or on the Web


Reference Books

·        E: Chuck Easttom. Network Defense and Countermeasures: Principles and Practices (3rd Edition) (Pearson IT Cybersecurity Curriculum (ITCC)) 3rd Edition, Pearson, 2018. ISBN-10: 0789759969; ISBN-13: 978-0789759962

·        Michael Gregg, The Network Security Test Lab: a step-by-step guide, Wiley, 2015. ISBN-10: 1118987055; ISBN-13: 978-1118987056

·        James Forshaw, Attacking Network Protocols: A Hacker's Guide to Capture, Analysis, and Exploitation, No Starch Press, 2017. ISBN-10: 1593277504; ISBN-13: 978-1593277505

·        Chris Sander, Practical Packet Analysis, 3E: Using Wireshark to Solve Real-World Network Problems, 3rd Edition, No Starch Press, 2017. ISBN-10: 1593278020; ISBN-13: 978-1593278021

·        NainarRamdoss, and Orzach, Network Analysis Using Wireshark 2 Cookbook: Practical recipes to analyze and secure your network using Wireshark 2, 2nd Edition, Packt Publishing, 2018. ISBN-10: 1786461676; ISBN-13: 978-1786461674

·        Matthew Monte, Network Attacks and Exploitation: A Framework, Wiley, 2015. ISBN-10: 1118987128; ISBN-13: 978-1118987124


Topics and Notes
NOTE: The following schedule will be adhered to as closely as possible, although changes are probable. Always check with your instructor if you are not sure what would be covered next week.

week (dates)

Topics & Slides (Book: Chapters)

Due Dates

1 (1/19, 21)

-        Syllabus

-        Network Security Intro. (S.Ch 1)

OSI/ISO model and Network Security (E)

Security Services

2 (1/26, 28)

-        Network Attacks (E)

-        DNS and attacks (D.Ch 18)


3 (2/2, 4)

-        Symmetric Cryptography and Message Confidentiality (S.Ch 2)


4 (2/9, 11)

-        Public Key Cryptography and Message Authentication (S.Ch 3)

Cryptography  (E)

-        Network Defense Principles

Lab 1 (2/11)

5 (2/16, 18)

Review for the test

Test 1 (sample exam questions)  Classes cancelled due to winter storms


Test #1 (2/18)

6 (2/23, 25)

Review for the test

Test 1 (sample exam questions)


Test #1 (2/25)

7 (3/2, 4)

-        Key Distribution, Kerberos, Certificates, Identity Management (S.Ch 4)


8 (3/9, 11)

-        Firewalls (S.Ch 12)

Firewalls & Hacking (D.Ch 14)

Firewalls, Proxy Servers (E)

Implementing Firewall, DMZs (E)

-        Network Access Control (S.Ch 5)

Access Control Lists


9 (3/16, 18)

Spring break; no class meetings


10 (3/23, 25)

-        Transport Layer Security, HTTPS, SSH (S.Ch 6)

Application-layer security: HTTPS (D.Ch 18)


Lab 2 (3/25)

11 (3/30, 4/1)

Review for the test

Test 2


Test #2 (4/1)

12 (4/6, 8)

-        IP Security (S.Ch 9)

Network-layer security: IPSec (E)

Implementing VPNs (E)


13 (4/13, 15)

-        Email Security (S.Ch 8)


Lab 3 (4/15)

14 (4/20, 22)

-        Network Monitoring (IDS/IPS, Honeypots and Honeynets) (E)

Lab 3 (4/22)

15 (4/27, 29)

-        Review for final exam

-        Take your online evaluation at https://apps.uhcl.edu/OnlineEvals


Bonus project (4/29)

Final exam week

Final exam (Thur., May 6, 1:00pm3:00pm)

Comprehensive, open-book

Final exam





Take-home labs (10% each X 3)


Tests (10% each X 2)


Quizzes (3% each X 5)


Final exam


Participation +++




++ Attendance Policy: You are expected to attend all classes. If you have ever missed an online session, be sure to watch the recorded session to learn what had been covered. It is your responsibility to get hold of whatever may have been discussed in the class.

+++ Class Participation: Participating in the class is expected. You should ask or answer questions during the in-class or online discussions. The instructor will call you to answer questions in class; the correctness of your answers will affect the participation grade.


In general, one quiz will be administered during the class sessions each week (except for those weeks when a test or exam is administered).

The instructor will pick the top 8 of your quizzes when calculating your grade for the quiz category.

Questions asked in a quiz are related to the most recently discussed topics or the topic(s) being discussed on the day when the quiz is given.

Tests & Exams:

Both analytic and synthetic abilities are emphasized. Being able to apply the learned knowledge toward problem solving is also highly emphasized in the tests. 

Unless due to unexpected, documented emergency, no make-up exams will be given. No make-up quizzes or exams will be granted once the quiz or the exam has been corrected and returned to the class.

NOTE: A grade can only be appealed within a week after the grade has been posted.

Assignments and Late Penalty:

Assignments will be posted at the class web site as well as in the Blackboard. The due date and time of each assignment is specified when it is published in the Blackboard.

Points will be deducted from late assignments: 20% for the first 24 hours after the due time, 40% for the next 24 hours, 70% for the third 24 hours, and 100% after that. No extension will be granted except for documented emergency. Starting to work on the assignments as early as possible is always the best strategy.


Assignments Guidelines:

1)     Identification page: All assignments must have your name, and course name/number/section number (e.g., CSCI 1320-02) at the top of the first page.

2)     Proper organization of submitted material: If your submission include multiple documents, combine all of them into a single document (for example, a single PDF or ZIP).

3)     Order! Order! Arrange the solutions following the sequence of the questions. Write the question number at the top-right corner of each page.

4)     Word processing: It is required that you type your reports (e.g., print them using a printer). Use a word processor and appropriate typesetting and/or drawing tools to do the assignments. Spell-check the whole document before printing it. You may lose points due to spelling or grammatical errors. 

A note about problem-solving:

An important part of problem solving is correct understanding of the given problem.

-        Try to have a good grasp of the problem before starting the process of finding the solution(s).

-        Use any resources, including the instructor, the TA, your classmates/friends, and online resources to ensure that you have correctly understood the given problem.

-        While trying to figure out the solution(s), continue to verify your understanding of the problem.

-        Read the given instructions carefully before taking any action; while preparing your solutions, be sure to follow the given instructions.

Grading Scale:

The accumulated points from all the categories determine a person's final grade. There will be no extra-credit projects.






90% or above



70% - 73%


87% - 89%



67% - 69%


84% - 86%



64% - 66%


80% - 83%



60% - 63%


77% - 79%



57% - 59%


74% - 76%



Less than 57%


Exemption from the final exam:

Students who have performed fantastically well before the final exam may be exempted from taking the final exam. In general, students who have obtained an A grade before the final exam will be considered for such an exemption.

However, it is up to the instructor to decide whether a person would be exempted, based on the overall performance.

Academic Honesty Policy:

NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, all assignments, projects, quizzes, tests and exams are individual work.

Students should take caution not to violate the academic honesty policy specified by the university.

Per the UHCL academic honesty policy, plagiarism is defined as follow.


a. Incorporating the work or idea of another person into one’s own work without acknowledging the source of that work or idea.

b. Attempting to receive credit for work performed by another person, including papers obtained in whole or part from individuals or other sources.

c. Copying copyrighted computer programs or data files belonging to someone else.

Instructor's Notes:

o   Important: If you think you have lost some points due to grading errors, make sure you approach the instructor within a week after the assignment, project, or test has been graded.

o   To get the most out of this class, you need to read the textbooks and spend time using computers regularly. Be prepared for a class by previewing the material to be covered in that class and participate in discussions and problem-solving exercises, if applicable, in the class.

o   Understanding what are covered in classes and taking notes are essential for successfully passing the exams.

o   As a student being trained to become a professional person, you are expected to behave according to the professional codes of conduct (e.g., the IEEE Code of Conduct) or code of ethics (e.g., the ACM Code of Ethics).

As a starting point, listed below are some of the common behaviors that do not conform to the codes of ethics:

·        Being regularly late for the class.

·        Chatting with another person while the instructor or someone is giving a speech in class.

·        Being regularly late when submitting assignments.

·        Asking the instructor or the TA for a favor when submitting a late assignment.

·        Checking out others’ answers during an exam.

·        Continuing to write when an exam’s time is up, or submitting an online exam past the due time.

·        Violating academic honesty when working on the assignments or exams.

·        Using others’ write-up without proper citing when writing a paper or report.


Related Links:

·        UHCL General Program Requirements: https://catalog.uhcl.edu/current/


·        Withdrawals, Appeals, GPA, Repeated Courses, and the 6 Drop Rule: https://www.uhcl.edu/registrar/enrollment/six-drop-rule



The School of Science and Computer Engineering may use assessment tools in this course and other courses for curriculum evaluation.  Educational assessment is defined as the systematic collection, interpretation, and use of information about student characteristics, educational environments, learning outcomes, and client satisfaction to improve program effectiveness, student performance, and professional success. This assessment will be related to the learning objectives for each course and individual student performance will be disaggregated relative to these objectives.  This disaggregated analysis will not impact student grades, but will provide faculty with detailed information that will be used to improve courses, curriculum, and student performance.

·        UHCL Disability Policy:

If you believe that you have a disability requiring an academic adjustment/auxiliary aid, please contact the Accessibility Support Center by phone at 281-283-2648, or email disability@uhcl.edu, or go to the office in the Student Services Building (SSCB), Room 1.302.

The University of Houston System complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, pertaining to the provision of reasonable academic adjustments/auxiliary aids for students with a disability. In accordance with Section 504 and ADA guidelines, each University within the System strives to provide reasonable academic adjustments/auxiliary aids to students who request and require them.


Go to the Index


The documentation below contains language approved by the Office of General Council from UH System for inclusion in all syllabi. 


Syllabus Changes (required for all courses)


Due to the changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, please note that the instructor may need to make modifications to the course syllabus and may do so at any time. Notice of such changes will be announced as quickly as possible through (specify how students will be notified of changes).


Recording of Class (required for all courses)


Students may not record all or part of class, livestream all or part of class, or make/distribute screen captures, without advanced written consent of the instructor. If you have or think you may have a disability such that you need to record class-related activities, please contact the Accessibility Support Center. If you have an accommodation to record class-related activities, those recordings may not be shared with any other student, whether in this course or not, or with any other person or on any other platform. Classes may be recorded by the instructor. Students may use instructor’s recordings for their own studying and notetaking. Instructor’s recordings are not authorized to be shared with anyone without the prior written approval of the instructor. Failure to comply with requirements regarding recordings will result in a disciplinary referral to the Dean of Students Office and may result in disciplinary action.


Face Covering Policy (required for courses with a face-to-face component)


To reduce the spread of COVID-19, UHCL requires face coverings on campus including classrooms for both faculty and students.  Face coverings must cover your mouth and nose and be worn throughout the class session.  A mask with a valve is not considered an adequate face covering and should not be used, as it can expel exhaled air, increasing the risk to others. Eating or drinking during class is discouraged and is not an excuse for removing the face covering for any extended length of time.  Failure to comply with the requirement to wear a face covering in class will result in your being asked to leave the classroom immediately and a disciplinary referral through the Dean of Students Office. Exceptions will also be made for those individuals who, due to a specific medical condition, cannot wear a face covering and have received an accommodation. Requests for an exception due a medical condition for students will be handled by the Accessibility Support Center.


Required Daily Health Self-Assessment (required for courses with a face-to-face component; recommended for all courses)


Your presence in class each session means that you have completed a daily self-assessment of your health/exposure and you:

o   Are NOT exhibiting any Coronavirus Symptoms

o   Have NOT tested positive for COVID-19

o   Have NOT knowingly been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or suspected/presumed COVID-19

If you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms that are not clearly related to a pre-existing medical condition, do not come to class. Please complete COVID-19 Report of Diagnosis/Symptoms. If you believe you may have been exposed please complete COVID-19 Report of Exposure.


Helpful Links:


COVID-19 Updates: https://www.uhcl.edu/health-alert/


Online Learning Assistance and Reimbursement Program (OLARP): https://www.uhcl.edu/dean-of-students/emergency-assistance/online-learning-assistance


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