Wireless Applications and Security

- Summer 2002 Study Group with Dr. T. A. Yang

Time: 9-11am Saturdays (see the schedule below for specific dates)
Place: Delta 105
Date Assigned study list (or tasks) for the week Due
6/8 IEEE 802.11 + Go visit the RSA archives site (Sign-up and login are required) and review the webinar "Securing the New Wireless World". NOTE: 
Study the articles for the week before the meeting.
All projects are due before the meeting.  Send the projects as attachments to yang@uhcl.edu .  Use self-explanatory subject line.
6/15 Decompilation, Obfuscation & Watermarking + Mahmoud, Qusay H. Protect your bytecodes from reverse engineering / decompilation.   Java World.

+ Dyer, Dave (1997). Java decompilers comparedJava World.  July 1997.
Project 1
A. (20 pts) Write a one page report explaining what security problems are associated with IEEE 802.11 protocol. Summarize alternative solutions for the problems. 

B. (20 pts) Compare wireless LAN and wireless WAN in terms of their applications, existing protocols, and security issues.  Try to highlight their differences and similarities.

C. (20 pts) 
Conduct a survey of at least three existing wireless development environments (J2ME, CodeWarrior, Borland, Microsoft, et. al.).  Compare their features, especially emulation or simulation provided, supported languages, and supported deployment platforms.

6/22 News articles about wireless security + Fowler, Dennis (2001). NetNews: Growing Pains.   netWorker, Volume 5 Issue 2. June 2001.

+ Held, Gilbert (2001). Considering wireless LANs: proceed with caution .   International Journal of Network Management, Volume 11, Issue 4, July–August 2001, page 205.


Project 2
A. (30 pts) Decompilation versus Obfuscation
a. Download the Mocha decompiler from http://www.brouhaha.com/~eric/computers/mocha.html .  Try to decompile a bytecode using the decompiler.  Hand in the Java source and the decompiled version.
b. Download the Marvin Obfuscator from http://drjava.de/obfuscator/ .  Install and test the obfuscator by obfuscating the sample Java bytecode that you used in part a.  Now try to decompile the obfuscated bytecode to see if it would work.  Explain the result you get.
    B. Find five news articles that discuss 'wireless security' issues.  The articles must be published after April 1, 2002.  
      a. (15 pts) Create a list of URL's for the articles. 
      b. (15 pts) Compare the content of the articles you found against those articles listed as last week's study list (6/15).  Write a summary paragraph explaining at least three major changes in the 'wireless security' field since Feb. 2002.
6/29 Protocols and Software Paradigms of Mobile Networks Project 3 
A. (40 pts) Download the Java 2 Platform Micro Edition, Wireless Toolkit, from http://java.sun.com/products/j2mewtoolkit/index.html .  Set up the development environments, especially the emulator, on a computer and try out a sample wireless application.
Check out the J2ME Development Tutorial , and the Secure Java MIDP Programming Using HTTPS with MIDP .

B. (20 pts) Write a readme.txt file to outline the steps a new user needs to take in order to download, install, and test the J2ME Wireless Toolkit.
7/6 SSL / TLS Design of the final project due
7/13 Security for mobile applications
EAP, LEAP, and related protocols

Check the FAQ at http://www.apple.com/airport/faq/ to find introductory information about LEAP, RADIUS , et. al.

Check out IEEE 802.1X Overview: Port Based Network Access Control to see how EAP is encapsulated in 802.1X.
+ IEEE 802.11 Security and 802.1X  (Summary of Vulnerabilities in 802.11 and 802.1X)

7/20 RADIUS and related protocols

7/27 Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) et. al.
Final project demonstration & discussions (New due date)
8/3 Mobile Messaging and the Lightweight & Efficient Application Protocols (LEAP) Final report (New due date)

Additional References:


Wireless Internet and Intranet access
WLAN security, steganography, et. al.
WLAN Equipments & Installation
WWAN Equipments & Installation