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SWEN 5230 -- Project Management
Updated January 17, 2009

Office and Addresses

Delta 164 Phone 281.283.3805
Secretary: Ms. Maxine Galloway, Delta 164 281.283.3860

Office Hours

Monday 5:30 - 7:00, Tuesday 12:00-1:00, 5:30 - 7:00, Thursday 12:00 - 1:00, or by appointment.

Teaching Assistant

Subrahmantam, Shyamsundar(Shyam), E-mail : Office Hours: Monday 7:30 - 10:30, Tuesday 4 - 7, Wednesday 7:30 - 10:30, Thursday 5 - 10

Required Textbook

Royce, Walker, Software Project Management, A Unified Framework, Addison Wesley, 1998.

PMBOK 2000

Case studies, other documents.

Reference Materials

Bennatan, E.M., On Time Within Budget, Software Project Management Practices and Techniques, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1992.

Kemerer, Chris F., Software Project Management: Readings and Cases, Irwin McGraw Hill, 1997.

Glass, Robert, Software Runaways: Lessons Learned from Massive Software Project Failures, Prentice Hall, 1998.

Course Description

Project management techniques and their application to the management of software projects. How to develop a software development plan and its associated tasks, milestones and deliverables. Software project scheduling and the establishment of relationships among the different tasks. Tasks, dependencies and conflict resolution. Resource management and allocation. Software project cost estimation. Algorithmic models for estimating costs: the COCOMO model and its derivatives. Risk assessment and its impact in the planning and scheduling of software projects. Software project measurement and tracking. Comparative review of software tools for software project management. Software configuration management and its importance in the management of large software projects. Project management in the large and in the small. The traditional graduate student load is 3 courses. Be prepared to commit 15 to 20 hours per week to this course!

Course Goals

Upon completion of the course, you will have:

  • A broad understanding of project management;
  • An understanding of the importance of planning and the skills required to produce a solid project plan;
  • An understanding of the estimation methods that are available and the pros and cons of each;
  • The ability to properly apply project management methods to the requirements, architecture, design and testing portions of the project;
  • An understanding of common project organizational structures, team building and conflict resolution;
  • The ability to monitor and report on the status of a project;
  • An understanding of how to use audits, reviews and assessments effectively;
  • Methods for working with and managing partners and vendors;
  • The ability to manage projects in complicated, but typical, multi-project environments;
  • The ability to review successes and failures and learn from experience.


The prerequisite for this course is CSCI 3133 (programming in C). SWEN 4432 (software engineering) is recommended. If you do not meet the prerequisites then you need to drop this course!


Seminar and Lecture. This includes class discussions, external reading, library research and writing. You're expected to attend all classes and come to class having read the assigned material and prepared to discuss it.


  • Homework, Project Assignments, and Quizzes : 30%
  • Research Paper/Case Presentation: 20%
  • Examinations : Midterm ( 25% ) Final ( 25% )

Grading Scale

93+ = A; 90 = A-; 87+ = B+; 83+ = B; 80+ = B-; 77+ = C+;
73+ = C; 70 = C-; 67+ = D+; 63+ = D; 60+ = D-; 0+ = F

Tentative Schedule

Other Policies

  • Assignments are due at the beginning of classes. No exceptions.
  • No late homework will be accepted.
  • Projects are collected at the beginning of the class they are due. Late projects are accepted with a penalty of 10% deduction per day after the due date. No late project will be accepted one week after the due date. The last project cannot be late.
  • No make-up exam except in verified emergencies and with immediate notification.
  • No incomplete grade or administrative withdrawal under nearly all situations.
  • VERY IMPORTANT! In certain classes students are encouraged to work in groups. For this class you are expected to work on all homework assignments, projects, quizzes, and tests individually. Students may may not discuss, use, email, show, give, buy, sell, borrow, trade, steal, etc. in whole or part, any of the homework assignments, projects, quizzes, or tests in any manner not prescribed by the instructor. Penalty for cheating will be extremely severe and may result in an F for this course.
  • VERY IMPORTANT! Purchasing, or otherwise acquiring and submitting as one's own work any research paper or any other writing assignment prepared by others constitutes cheating. Penalty for cheating will be extremely severe and may result in an F for this course.
  • VERY IMPORTANT! Providing answers for any assigned work or examination when not specifically authorized by the instructor to do so. Or, informing any person or persons of the contents of any examination prior to the time the examination is given. Penalty for cheating will be extremely severe and may result in an F for this course.
  • Failing to report to the instructor any incident in which a student witnesses an alleged violation of the Academic Honesty Code is considered a violation of the academic honesty code. Please see me to discuss any incidents.
  • Standard academic honesty procedure will be followed. See the following link for additional information:
  • There will be no extra-credit homeworks/projects in this course.
  • The ringing, beeping, buzzing of cell phones, watches, and/or pagers during class time is extremely rude and disruptive to your fellow students and to the class flow. Please turn off all cell phones, watches, and pagers prior to the start of class.
  • All work submitted must be typed, not handwritten.
  • You are expected to come fully prepared to every class.
  • There is no formal attendance policy. However, you are responsible for everything discussed in class. Furthermore, if you miss an in-class quiz you will receive a zero. Missed quizzes can not be made up.
  • Recommendations regarding email correspondence:


    Dr. Boetticher

    When r u gonna grad the homework? i wanna talk to u about finale.

    Some student

    B) I immediately discard anonymous emails.


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2700 Bay Area Boulevard
Delta Building. Office 164
Houston, Texas 77058
Voice: 281-283-3805
Fax: 281-283-3869

© 2002-2009 Boetticher:  Software Project Management Course, All Rights Reserved.

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Graduate courses taught by Dr. Boetticher