www dcsl-uhcl.net

Welcome!  to Distributed Computer Security Lab (DCSL). The primary goal of DCSL is to establish a Security Lab at UHCL and study the vulnerabilities of the corporate network. Network Security and Wireless Sensor Network, the major topics in Computer Science are the areas on which students in this lab have been working successfully under the guidance and support of Dr. Andrew Yang. Lab provides students with hardware as well as independent work stations to help them work in a conducive environment.

DCSL consists of the provisions made in an underlying computer network infrastructure, what are the different policies adopted by the network administrator to protect the network and the network-accessible resources from unauthorized access. DCSL provides students with an essential study of different computer security issues and methods in networking. The work here involves developing modules related to Encryption and Decryption, security mechanisms in software, operating systems, databases, networks, administration of computer security, and legal issues in computer security.
The lab provides students a central DCSL-web server to upload their files, web-pages. Communication with the DCSL-web server is through Virtual Private Network (VPN) and File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The figure above shows MICA2 Mote which funtions on Wireless Platform for Low-Power Sensor Networks
DCSL provides students with the in-depth knowledge and understanding of Wireless Sensor Network. Students can develop simple wireless sensor network applications using actual motes and sensor devices. Students in the past have successfully performed a survey of research articles in different areas of Wireless sensor Network. The figure shows the different types of motes along with a gateway
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