To manually add the EndNote addin files to Word's startup folder, follow these instructions:

  1. Within Microsoft Word 2007 go to the Office icon in the upper left, and click "Word Options" at the bottom of this window.
  2. Word Options

  3. Click on "Trust Center" on the left hand side, then on the "Trust Center Settings..." button at the bottom-right.

    Trust Center

  4. Click the Trusted Locations menu to the left, then highlight the "Word 2007 default location: StartUp" item in the list.

    Trust Locations

  5. Note the path to the Microsoft Word Startup folder. The path should show up below the Trusted Locations items.
    The default path in Windows XP is:
    C:\Documents and Settings\[USER NAME]\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\Startup.
    On Windows Vista, the default path is:
    C:\Users\[USER NAME]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP.

  6. Close Word. Also close Outlook if running.

  7. Open your Computer (My Computer in Windows 2000/XP) and locate your EndNote folder. The default installation path is “C:\Program Files\EndNote”. (Alternately, you can download the required files in a zip folder below)

  8. There are two files in this folder you need to copy:
EndNote Files (click to download)
X EN10CWYW.dot
9 EN9CWYW.dot
8 EN8CWYW.dot
7 EN7CWYW.dot
6 EN6CWYW.dot
5 EndNote5.Cwyw.dot

If you do not see the .wll and .dot file extensions, go to the Tools menu and select Folder Options / View tab. Uncheck the box that reads “Hide file extensions for known file types” and click OK. In Windows Vista if you do not see the menu bar hold ALT to see the Tools Menu.

  1. Locate the Word Startup folder and paste these two files into this folder.

    Note: If you cannot find the folder, go to Tools / Folder Options / View tab and make sure that "Show hidden files and folders" is selected. In Windows Vista if you do not see the menu bar hold ALT to see the Tools Menu.

  2. Launch Microsoft Word. The EndNote toolbar should now show up in the Add-Ins tab of the Word 2007 ribbon.

Word Addins Tab Screenshot

Before you use the tools for the first time, close Word, then open EndNote and an EndNote library, then re-open Word and click on one of the EndNote tools. The programs must only be opened in this order the first time you use the tools so that Windows will be configured correctly.

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