T. Andrew Yang

Email: yang@uhcl.edu

Web page : http://sce.uhcl.edu/yang/

Tel.: (281) 283-3835

Last updated:


June 4, 2012

CSCI 5235 Network Security

Summer 2012

Individual presentation

Hands-on team projects

Research projects (optional)

Check the syllabus page to find out the due dates.

NOTE: This page is subject to revision, especially during the first two weeks of the semester.

  • Presentation project

o   Each student is to pick and study a topic listed in the class syllabus and make a presentation in class.

o   Choosing the topic of your choice is due early in the semester.

o   The presenter is encouraged to use the textbook and other resources related to the chosen topic to prepare the presentation slides.

o   Each presentation, including Q&A, is about 70 minutes.

o   The objective of this project is to help you develop research competence in surveying a chosen topic, collecting cited references, and make an organized presentation of your findings.



Note: Post your presentation abstract in the class discussion group. Each person should comment on three or more of your classmates’ abstracts.

The abstract should be 1-2 pages long, and contains the following sections:

1.     Class name (i.e., CSCI5235 Network Security)

2.     Your name (and email address)

3.     Title of your presentation

4.     General description of the topic

5.     Two or more articles related to the topic. Important: Properly cite other researchers’ or professionals’ work. Visit http://sce.uhcl.edu/yang/citing.htm for more information about cited references.

6.     A tentative outline (agenda) of your presentation.



7.     Three days before your scheduled presentation date, send your presentation slides to the instructor, so he may post your presentation at the class site. Gauging your own presentation style to determine the number of slides you should develop.

8.     Collect comments made by the audience during the presentation and send the revised slides, if applicable, to the instructor.


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  • Hands-on Projects

There are four team projects in this class. The first three projects are required; completing the 4th project will earn you extra points!

Every two students form a project team, and work together to have the projects completed. Note: It is ok if you prefer to work by yourself.

Descriptions of the projects and software download for the projects are available at http://sce.uhcl.edu/yang/public/Downloads.html.


o   Form your team: During the first week, form a two-person team. Post the following information to the class discussion board: Team name, member names (with email addresses).

o   In the project description, “swappable drives” should be replaced by “USB drives”.

·       There are two options when configuring your system in D158A:

a)  Use the Windows OS already installed in the computer’s hard disk drive.

b)  Use a USB drive and install your chosen Windows OS (e.g., XP) in the USB drive.

·       Either way, you will need to have an appropriate operating system and related software on the disk for each of the projects. Get a copy of the Windows CD from the instructor.

o   For each of the projects:

·       Demo & evaluation of the project: When the project is due, prepare to give the instructor a demo in D158A.

·       Project report: Hand in a written evaluation of the project, including lessons learned from that project, weakness and strength of the project design, possible improvements of the project design.

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