CSCI 5333 Data Base Management Systems
7.3. The Relational Algebra
- A sequence of relational algebra operations forms
a relational algebra expression, whose result will also be a
relation .
- Set-oriented operations: UNION, INTERSECTION, and SET DIFFERENCE.
- Operations developed specifically for relational databases:
- The SELECT operation is used to select a subset
of the tuples from a relation that satisfy a selection condition. One can
consider the SELECT operation to be a filter that keeps only those
tuples that satisfy a qualifying condition.
- The SELECT operator is unary; that is, it is applied
to a single relation.
- The degree of the relation resulting from a SELECT operation
is the same as that of R. The number of tuples in the resulting relation
is always less than or equal to the number of tuples in R.
- The SELECT operation is commutative.
- Hence, a sequence of SELECTs can be applied in any
order. In addition, we can always combine a cascade of SELECT operations
into a single SELECT operation with a conjunctive (AND) condition
- The PROJECT operation selects certain columns
from the table and discards the other columns.
- If the attribute list includes only nonkey attributes
of R, duplicate tuples are likely to occur; the PROJECT operation removes
any duplicate tuples, so the result of the PROJECT operation is a set of
tuples and hence a valid relation. This is known as duplicate elimination
- Commutativity does not hold on PROJECT .
- Sequence of Operations versus Renaming:
- To rename the attributes in the intermediate
and result relations:
- The UNION operation combines
two or more relations into a single relation.
Union compatibility
: Two relations R(A1, A2, . . ., An) and S(B1, B2,
. . ., Bn) are said to be union compatible if they have the same degree
n, and if dom(Ai) = dom(Bi) for all i, i >=1 and i <= n.
The two relations on which
any of the set-oriented operations (UNION, INTERSECTION, and SET DIFFERENCE)
are applied must be union compatible.
- INTERSECTION: The result
of this operation is a relation that includes all tuples that are in both
R and S.
- SET DIFFERENCE: The result
of this operation, denoted by R - S, is a relation that includes all tuples
that are in R but not in S.
- Examples: See Fig. 7.11 (p.218)
are commutative operations, but DIFFERENCE is not.
are associative operations.
operation is also known as CROSS PRODUCT or CROSS JOIN.
PRODUCT operation is used to combine tuples
from two relations in a combinatorial fashion.
- Because this sequence
of CARTESIAN PRODUCT followed by SELECT is used quite commonly to identify
and select related tuples from two relations, a special operation, called
JOIN, was created to specify
this sequence as a single operation.
- The JOIN operation
is used to combine related tuples from two relations into single tuples.
- What makes a JOIN
different from a CARTESIAN PRODUCT?
- A JOIN operation
with a general join condition is called a THETA JOIN.
- The most common
JOIN involves join conditions with equality comparisons only. Such
a JOIN, where the only comparison operator used is =, is called an
is basically an EQUIJOIN followed by removal of the superfluous attributes.
(See the
result in Fig. 7.14(b), p.222)
down the relational operation of the following database query, posted against
the relational database state in Fig. 7.6, p.205:
- Show the
full name of the employees who have worked for 20 or more hours in any projects.
- Show the
names, SSNs and dependents information of all employees who were
born after "1965-01-01".
- The
operation is useful for queries such as "Retrieve the names of employees
who work on all the projects that ‘John Smith’ works on."
- Formal
definition: See p.224.
- Example:
See Fig. 7.15 (b), p.225.
- Aggregate
Functions and Grouping
Aggregate functions, in the context of relational database
model, are common functions applied to collections of numeric values, such
- The
COUNT aggregate function is used for counting tuples or values.
Grouping is an operation that groups the tuples in a relation
by the value of some of their attributes.
- A
common operation is to apply grouping to a relation and then apply an aggregate
function independently to each group. An example: ( i ) Group employee
tuples by DNO, so that each group includes the tuples for employees working
in the same department. ( ii ) Apply the AVERAGE aggregate function to the
groups to list the average salary of employees within each of the departments.
The resulting relation has the grouping attributes plus one attribute for
each element in the function list.
The result: A relation that contains each department number,
the number of employees in the department, and their average salary
. (See Fig. 7.16a)
Question: How would you specify a query for calculating the average
salary of ALL employees?
Recursive Closure Operations
This operation is applied to a recursive relationship between tuples
of the same type, such as the relationship between an employee and a supervisor.
Example: To retrieve all supervisees of an employee at ALL levels
NOTE: In the basic relational algebra, it is impossible to specify such
recursive closure operations.
Recursive queries will be further discussed in Chapter 25 when we give
an overview of deductive databases.
The SQL3 standard includes syntax for recursive closure.
A LEFT OUTER JOIN keeps every tuple
in the first (or left) relation in the result. If no matching
tuple is found in the second (or right) relation, then the attributes of the
second relation in the join result are filled with null values.
(Compare: Natural Join)
Example of a LEFT OUTER JOIN: To retrieve a list of all employee
names and also the name of the departments they manage if they happen to
manage a department.
A RIGHT OUTER JOIN keeps every tuple in
second (or right) relation in the result.
A FULL OUTER JOIN keeps all tuples in both the left and the right
relations. When no matching tuples are found, padding them with null
values as needed.
The three outer join operations are part of the SQL2 standard .
The OUTER UNION operation was developed to take the union of tuples from
two relations if the relations are not union compatible .
For example, an OUTER UNION can be applied to two relations whose schemas
are STUDENT(Name, SSN, Department, Advisor) and FACULTY(Name, SSN, Department,
The resulting relation schema is R(Name, SSN, Department, Advisor, Rank),
and all the tuples from both relations are included in the result. Student
tuples will have a null for the Rank attribute, whereas faculty tuples will
have a null for the Advisor attribute.
See Fig. 7.18:
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