T. Andrew Yang

Tel.: (281) 283-3835

CSCI 5333 Data Base Management System

Spring 2002 (1/14-5/6)

Chapter 5: Storage Structures

5.1  Basic Concepts
  • Physical level issues: storage of data in the secondary storage devices; efficient access of physical data; auxiliary data structure for the secondary storage - indexes; access methods
topics structure
  • A storage hierarchy of mixed storage media
  • Primary storage: main memory, cache memory
  • Secondary storage: magnetic disks, optical disks, and tapes.
  • Volatile versus nonvolatile storage
  • On-line versus off-line devices
  • Exercise: Compare the tradeoffs of primary storage versus secondary storage media.
  • Main memory databases
  • The process of physical database design involves choosing from among the options the particular data organization techniques that best suit the given application requirements. 
  • DBMS system implementers must study data organization techniques so that they can implement them efficiently and thus provide the DBA and users of the DBMS with sufficient options.
  • Primary file organizations determine how the records of a file are physically placed on the disk, and hence how the records can be accessed. 
    • A heap file (or unordered file) places the records on disk in no particular order by appending new records at the end of the file.
    • sorted file (or sequential file ) keeps the records ordered by the value of a particular field (called the sort key). 
    • A hashed file uses a hash function applied to a particular field (called the hash key) to determine a record’s placement on disk. 
    • Other primary file organizations, such as B-trees, R-trees, Quad-trees, etc., use tree structures.
NOTE: The terminology may carry different meaning in different context.  Sequential files in COBOL , for example, are unordered files.
  • A secondary organization or auxiliary access structure allows efficient access to the records of a file based on alternate fields than those that have been used for the primary file organization. Most of these exist as indexes.  (See Chapter 6)
  • Exercise: Given a relation called STUDENT, as shown on page 128, what would be an appropriate primary file organization to store the records?  If you choose to store the file as a sorted file, wich attribute should be the sort key?  Justify your answer.
  • Exercise (Cont.): What indexes would you like to build on top of the primary organization?  
  • Exercise (Cont.): Is there a universal rule in making the above decisions?

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5.2.1 Hardware Description of Disk Devices

  • Bits, Bytes (Characters), KB, MB, GB, ...
  • See Figures 13.1 and 13.2: tracks, surfaces, cylinders, sectors, disk read/write head, disk rotation
  • Compare: Disk blocks (or pages) versus disk sectors
  • Question: What is the operating system's role in disk initializaiton (or formatting)?
  • Question: How is the hardware address of a block determined?
  • Disk buffer, cluster
  • Question: How is the disk buffer (or cluster) used during disk read/write operations, respectively?
  • Exercise: Where are the following devices or software located: disk controller, disk driver, and disk manager ?  Explain their respective functionality.
  • Important disk parameters: See Table 13.1 and Appendix C.
Rotation (or spindle) speed, rotation delay, latency, seek time, block transfer time, bulk transfer rate
  • Question: Explain why "locating data on disk is a major bottleneck in database applications"?
  • Question: Do you agree with the following statement on page 121: "The file structures we discuss here and in Chapter 6 attempt to minimize the number of block transfers needed to locate and transfer the required data from disk to main memory" ?  Justify your answer.
  • Exercise: Answer the questions in exercise 13.23.

5.4 Buffering of Blocks

  • Concurrent operations achieved by interleaved operations (versus by parallel operations): See Figure 5.5, p.127
  • Double Buffering: See Figure 5.6, p.128

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5.5 Placing File Records on Disk

  • Fixed-Length versus Variable-Length Records: See Fig. 5.7, p.130 for examples
  • Question: What are the reasons a file may be made up of variable-length records? See page 129.
  • Compare: sector, block, record
  • Blocking factor (bfr) for a file: The number of records that can fit into a block.
B: the block size
R: the record size
B >= R

bfr = floor (B/R)

Unused space in the block = B - (bfr * R) bytes
  • Unspanned versus Spanned Record Organization in a Block: See Fig. 5.8, page 132
  • For variable-length records using spanned organization, each block may store a different number of records. 
  • The number of blocks b needed for a file of r records:

    b = ceiling (r/bfr) blocks , bfr represents the average number of records per block
  • Question: How do you determine the number of blocks needed in a file using unspanned organization?
  • 5.5.4 Alternative Methods in Allocating File Blocks on Disk
  1. Contiguous allocation
  2. Linked allocation
  3. Clustered allocation
  4. Indexed allocation
    • Exercise: Draw diagrams to illustrate the different allocation methods.
  • Question: Which program is in charge of maintaining the file headers (also called file descriptors )?
  • Question: Wh at are the data stored in the file headers?
  • The goal of a good file organization is to locate the block that contains a desired record with a minimal number of block transfers.

5.6 Typical Operations on Files
  • Retrieval versus Update operations
  • Exercise: Draw a UML diagram to illustrate the relationships among the following concepts - files, records, disks, blocks, memory, disk buffers, programs, and program variables.
  • Exercise: Examine each of the operations listed on pp.133-134 and explain how each of the operations is carried out by using the UML diagram you create from the exercise above.
  • Record-at-a-time operations versus set-at-a-time operations
  • Compare: a file organization versus an access method
  • Static versus dynamic files

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  • Algorithm 5.1 (p.138): Binary search on a sequential file
  • Algorithm 5.2 (p.141): Internal Hashing algorithms
  • Questions: What is collision in hashing?  How are collision handled? (See p.141 )
  • Question: In external hashing, what is the minimum number of disk retrieval operations ?  How about the maximum number of disk retrieval operations?  See Fig. 5.11 and 5.12 (pp.143-144).
  • Exercise: Compare the three primary file organization methods by listing their respective characteristics, strength, and weakness.

5.7 Files of Unordered Records (Heap Files)

  • Characteristics
  • Strengths
  • Weakness

5.8 Files of Ordered Records (Sorted Files)

  • Characteristics
  • Strengths
  • Weakness

5.9 (External) Hashing Techniques

  • Characteristics
  • Strengths
  • Weakness

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Last updated: 4/02