T. Andrew Yang

Email: yang@uhcl.edu

Web page : http://sce.uhcl.edu/yang/

Tel.: (281) 283-3835

Last updated:


August 2008

CSCI 5931 Wireless and Sensor Networks

Fall 2008

Important note about citing:
In composing your answers, make sure you give the original author(s) the necessary credits if your answer contains information from sources other than your own brain. :-)
Please refer to http://sce.uhcl.edu/yang/citing.htm if more information is needed in using proper citing.


Sensor Development Projects

  • Project 1

Developing a Simple WSN application using Crossbow devices and software


  • Project 2

The article “Development of Emulation Projects for Teaching Wireless Sensor Networks” introduces the fundamentals of sensor programming, and presents two specific projects as demonstration. Read the article to learn how to develop WSN projects for detecting object’s presence. Implement the first project (Data collection from the environment) presented in the article.

  • Project 3 (continued from project 2)

Implement the second project (Human detection sensor network) presented in the article.


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Exploration Project


Learning objectives


In this exploration project, each individual (or team) will explore ways of improving the object detection protocol discussed in the article “Emulation of Wireless Sensor Networks for Object Tracking”, by adding object tracking capability into the protocol.


Items to be submitted


  1. The abstract

A preliminary abstract of your presentation topic is due early in the semester.

Each team should submit to the instructor an abstract (via email to yang@uhcl.edu).

The abstract should be one or two pages long (single spacing, 12-point font), and contains the following sections:

(1)  Class name (e.g., CSCI5931 Wireless & Sensor Networks)

(2)  Your name(s) and an email address that you check regularly (that is, at least once a day)

(3)  Topic of your investigation

(4)  General description of the topic

(5)  Three or more articles related to the topic.

VERY Important: Make sure you properly cite the work of other researchers or professionals. Visit http://sce.uhcl.edu/yang/citing.htm for more information about cited references.

Warning: Missing or improper cited references in your abstract and final report will result in poor score for your presentation.

(6)  A few paragraphs describing your preliminary idea of adding object tracking into the existing algorithm.


  1. The final report
    1. The written report should include your findings about the chosen topic.
    2. The report should be submitted to the instructor (yang@uhcl.edu) via email.

It should have 10-15 pages (single spacing, 12-point font) with proper cited references.

Warning: Missing or improper cited references in your abstract and final report will result in poor score for this assignment.

    1. The report should be composed of the following sections:

                                                                i.     Title

                                                              ii.     Your name (and email address)

                                                             iii.     An abstract (50-100 words)

                                                             iv.     Introduction to the topic

                                                              v.     Your findings

                                                             vi.     How the new protocol or algorithm(s) were verified / tested

                                                           vii.     Future work: research ideas and projects possibly related to the topic

                                                          viii.     Conclusion

                                                             ix.     Appendix (if any)

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