T. Andrew Yang

Email: yang@uhcl.edu

Web page : http://sce.uhcl.edu/yang/

Tel.: (281) 283-3835

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CSCI 5931 Wireless and Sensor Networks

Spring 2007

Important note about citing:
In composing your answers, make sure you give the original author(s) the necessary credits if your answer contains information from sources other than your own brain. :-)
Please refer to http://sce.uhcl.edu/yang/citing.htm if more information is needed in using proper citing.



  • Project 1

Developing a Simple WSN application using Crossbow devices and software

  • Project 2

The goal of this project is for you to familiarize yourself with the OMNET++ network simulation environment, especially when it is used to simulate wireless sensor network. A sample use of OMNET++ for such purpose is demonstrated in the paper “OCO: Optimized Communication & Organization for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks”.

More details of configuring the OMNET++ environment and running WSN simulations can be found at Sam Tran’s thesis web site. You may download the final thesis and the source codes to your own computer.


n      Developing a simple Tic-Toc application using OMNET++

n      Simulation of OCO algorithm for WSN by using OMNET++

  • Requirements

Set up the OMNET++ to run an OCO simulation of 100 sensor nodes. To show the results, include diagrams for total energy consumption, accuracy, cost per detected points, and the time of the first dead node (all for the case of one intruding object).

  • Prototype demonstration and report
  1. Each team should submit a report, as a single zip file to yang@uhcl.edu, which contains the following: 

A Note about Electronic Submissions: If you'd like to receive a receipt from the instructor for your submission, make sure you set up your email to automatically request a receipt.  Typically a confirmation is not sent due to the large number of submissions.  Alternatively, you may see the TA or the instructor during their office hours to confirm the receipt of your submission.

  1. Each team needs to give an in-class demonstration of the prototype.  See the class schedule for the demo date.  Note: Each team has about 20 minutes to demonstrate its application.

  • Project 3: Adding simple authentication into OCO
  • Project description

In this project, two tasks are to be completed:

(a) Examine the existing message structure of OCO and, if possible, define a simplified message structure.

(b) Devise a simple authentication, similar to the authentication method proposed in the TinySec protocol[1], and add it into the OCO method.

  • Requirements

For task (a):

In this working paper “OCO: An Efficient Method for Tracking Objects in Wireless Sensor Networks, the current message structure of OCO are summarized as 14 types of messages (in Tables 1, 8, 9, and 10). Examine the messages and propose a simpler structure to represent the messages (for example, by combining several message types into one). Explain why your new message structure will provide the same functionalities as the old structure.

For task (b):

Devise a simple authentication mechanism, similar to the authentication method proposed in the TinySec protocol, and add it into the OCO method. The added authentication should allow the messages transmitted between two entities (for example, border-to-forwarding, forwarding-to-forwarding, forwarding-to-base) to be authenticated, meaning the recipient of a given message will be able to authenticate the message, before deciding whether to accept and process the incoming message or not. Complete the following two sub-tasks:

(b.1) Show how authentication may be added to the 14 message types.

(b.2) For the sake of testing the authentication methods, implement your authentications for message types 8 and 9 (M8: Message from a node to the base to report intruding objects; M9: Message from an active node to nearby forwarding nodes to activate their sensor modules) in OCO. Prepare at least two cases where the authentication between two entities would fail and succeed, respectively. Show a demo in the class (or to the instructor).

  • To be submitted:
    1. The revised message structure.
    2. The message structure with authentication added.
    3. Revised OCO source codes with the authentications incorporated.
    4. A demonstration of the revised OCO program.

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Final report

Note: This is an individual project.


Items to be submitted:


  1. The abstract

A preliminary abstract of your presentation topic is due early in the semester.

Each student should submit to the instructor an abstract (via email to yang@uhcl.edu).

The abstract should be 2-3 pages long (single spacing, 12-point font), and contains the following sections:

(1)   Class name (i.e., CSCI5234 Web Security)

(2)   Your name and an email address that you check regularly (that is, at least once a day)

(3)   Topic of your investigation

(4)   General description of the topic

(5)   Why is the topic worth investigating?  How is it related to wireless sensor networks?

(6)   Three or more articles related to the topic.

VERY Important: Make sure you properly cite the work of other researchers or professionals. Visit http://sce.uhcl.edu/yang/citing.htm for more information about cited references.

Warning: Missing or improper cited references in your abstract and final report will result in poor score for your presentation.

(7)   A tentative outline (agenda) of your final report, that is, the content you plan to include in the final report.


  1. The final report
    1. The written report should include your findings about the chosen topic.
    2. The report should be submitted to the instructor (yang@uhcl.edu) via email.

It should have 10-15 pages (single spacing, 12-point font) with proper cited references.

Warning: Missing or improper cited references in your abstract and final report will result in poor score for this assignment.

    1. The report should be composed of the following sections:

                                                                                      i.      Title

                                                                                    ii.      Your name (and email address)

                                                                                  iii.      An abstract (50-100 words)

                                                                                  iv.      Introduction to the topic

                                                                                    v.      Significance of the chosen topic with respect to wireless sensor networks

                                                                                  vi.      Your findings

                                                                                vii.      Future work: research ideas and projects possibly related to the topic

                                                                              viii.      Conclusion

                                                                                  ix.      Appendix (if any)

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[1] Karlof, C., N. Sastry, and D. Wagner, “TinySec: a Link Layer Security Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Embedded networked sensor systems (ACM SenSys’04), Baltimore, MD, USA, pp. 162 - 175.