1. Workshop

Keynote Speech : Dr. Wenliang (Kevin) Du, Professor, Syracuse University

Topic : SEED Labs - Hands-on Lab Exercises for Security Education

Wenliang (Kevin) Du received his Bachelor's degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1993 and Ph.D. degree from Purdue University in 2001, all in Computer Science. He is currently a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse University. His background is in computer and network security. His current research interest focuses mobile system security. He is also interested in developing instructional laboratories for security education, and the labs that he developed have been used by over eight hundred universities, colleges, and high schools worldwide. His research has been sponsored by grants from National Science Foundation, Army Research Office, JP Morgan Chase, and Google. He is a recipient of the 2013 ACM CCS Test-of-Time Award and the 2017 Academic Leadership award from The 21st Colloquium for Information System Security Education. He recently published a textbook on Computer Security.

In this talk, Dr. Du will introduce the security education work that he has done during the last 17 years. Sponsored by National Science Foundation, he has been working on a project called SEED. Its objective is to develop a series of hands-on lab exercises for security education. These labs are used by students to gain first-hand experiences on attack and defense. He has so far developed 35 Linux-based labs, covering a wide spectrum of topics, including software security, system security, network security, web security, mobile security, and cryptography. These labs can be carried out inside the virtual machine image provided, and they are free. So far, over 800 schools in more than 60 countries are using these labs. These schools include colleges, universities, and even high schools. Dr. Du will talk about the philosophy behind the design of these labs, share his experiences in using these labs, and talk about his future plans with the SEED project. He will also demonstrate some of the SEED labs during his talk.