Publications of UHCL Cybercorps Project
Below is a list of recent academic publications by researchers associated with the UHCL Cybercorps Project Team. For full list of publications, please refer to the researchers' individual pages.
Revamping a Traditional Computer Science Program to Meet Modern-day Cybersecurity Education Challenges. T. Andrew Yang, Wei Wei, Sadegh Davari, Kewei Sha. Award Abstract #1723596. Standard grant awarded by the National Science Foundation Department of Graduate Education
Toward CAE-CDE 4Y Designation through Curriculum Modernization of a Traditional Computer Science Undergraduate Program.Wei Wei, T. Andrew Yang, Sadegh Davari,Kewei Sha, Johanna Jacob. In Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2018 and to be published in the Information Systems Education Journal.
Is The NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (NCWF) Effective For a Workforce Comprised Of Interdisciplinary Majors? Johanna Jacob, Wei Wei, T. Andrew Yang, Sadegh Davari,Kewei Sha. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Scientific Computing (CSC'18).