T. Andrew Yang 

Computer Science Department


  1. Introduction to Web Development

  1. World Wide Web as a new computing platform

  2. The client-server model

  3. The multi-tier model

  4. Sample Web applications

  5. Alternative Web development technologies

  6. Client side development

  7. Server side development

  8. Summary

  1. Curriculum Design
  1. Curriculum Design Issues

  2. A Sample Course

  3. Lessons Learned

  4. Specialty Track in Enterprise Computing


Designing and Teaching a Web Development Course


Ø Outline

A.   Introduction to Web Development

  1. World Wide Web as a new computing platform

  2. The client-server model

  3. The multi-tier model

  4. Sample Web applications

  5. Alternative Web development technologies

  6. Client side development

  7. Server side development

  8. Summary

B.   Curriculum Design

  1. Curriculum Design Issues

  2. A Sample Course

  3. Lessons Learned

  4. Specialty Track in Enterprise Computing




Next: WWW as a new computing platform