Indiana University of Pennsylvania

T. Andrew Yang 

Computer Science Department

March 31, 2001

  1. Introduction to Web Development

  1. World Wide Web as a new computing platform

  2. The client-server model

  3. The multi-tier model

  4. Sample Web applications

  5. Alternative Web development technologies

  6. Client side development

  7. Server side development

  8. Summary

  1. Curriculum Design

  1. Curriculum Design Issues

  2. A Sample Course

  3. Lessons Learned

  4. Specialty Track in Enterprise Computing


Designing and Teaching a Web Development Course


Ø  References

Ö  Resources on the Web

Active Server Page Corner:  

Client and Server Scripting in Web Pages:  

C/Net web site:

CoSc304 Internet Programming with Java (class notes by Dr. T. A. Yang):

COSC 481 Internet Architecture & Programming (class notes by Dr. T. A. Yang):

Enterprise Java Beans and Java Server Pages:

Java Products at Sun's Site:

Java Page by Dr. John Cross:



Java Servlets Tutorial: 

Java Tutorial Web Site:

Java Scripts (two on-line books: server side Javascripts guide + server side javascript reference)

Microsoft's Developer Network Site: 

O’Reilly web site:

Robert Husted and J. J. Kuslich, Server-Side JavaScript™: Developing Integrated Web Applications,

TechMetrix report on “Internet Development Tools & Application Servers”, (Tools evaluated: WebObjects 4.0, Sapphire/Web 5.1, HAHTSite 3.1, Visual InterDev 6.0, NatWeb 2.0, Netscape App Server 2.1 Oracle App Server 4.0, Tango 3.5, PowerJ Ent. 2.5, Apptivity 3.0, Silverstream 2.0)

TechMetrix report on “Java Application Servers”, (In addition to in-depth product comparisons, this report explains the real potential and positioning of the latest Java technologies: EJB, Java 2, Swing, ... ; Tools evaluated: Oracle, IBM, BEA, Inprise, Symantec, Gemstone)

XML Query Language (XQL),  

XML Colloquia Slides (by Dr. H. Edward Donley):, 

ZDNet IT Resource Center:


Ö  Bibliography

Ablan, Professional Visual Basic 6 Web Programming, Wrox Press, 1999.

Anderson, et al: Beginning Components for ASP, Wrox Press, 1999.

Blackburn: Professional Visual Interdev6 Programming, Wrox Press, 1999.

Chase, Active Server Pages 3.0 from Scratch, Que, 1999.

Deitel & Deitel, Java: How to program, Prentice Hall, 1999

Deitel, et al, Internet & World Wide Web – How to Program, Prentice Hall, 2000.

Francis, et al, Beginning Active Server Pages 2.0, Wrox Press, Feb. 2000.

Friedrichs & Jubin: Java Thin-Client Programming for a Network Computing Environment, Prentice Hall, 1999.

Gold-Bernstein: Designing Enterprise Client/Server Systems, Prentice Hall, 1997.

Hunter & Crawford: JAVA Servlet Programming, O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., Sebastopol, CA, 1998.

Joshi, et al: The Comprehensive Guide to the JDBC SQL API, Ventana Press, 1997.

Kaufman, et al: Beginning ASP Databases, Wrox Press Inc., 1999.

Kingsley-Hughes: VBscript Programmer's Reference, Wrox Press Inc., 1999.

Laurie, et al (Editor): Apache: The Definitive Guide, O'Reilly & Associates, 1999.

Ligon: Client/Server Communications Services: A Guide for the Applications Developer, McGraw-Hill, 1997.

Minoli, et al: Client/Server over ATM : Making Use of Broadband to Support Client/Server Applications, Prentice Hall, 1997.

Moss: Java Servlets With CDROM (2nd Ed.), McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1999.

Orfali & Harkey: Client/Server Programming with Java and CORBA, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, February 1998.

Ozsu & Valduriez: Principles of Distributed Database Systems, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1998.

Patzer, Li, et al, Professional Java Server Programming: with Servlets, Java Server Pages (JSP), XML, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), JNDI, CORBA, Jini and Javaspaces, Wrox Press, 1999.

Pekowsky, JavaServer Pages, Addison Wesley, 2000.

Rauch: Open Systems Engineering: How to Plan and Develop Client/Server Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 1996.

Roman, Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans and the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (with CD-ROM), John Wiley & Sons, 1999.

Seshadri, et al: Enterprise Java Computing: Applications and Architectures, Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Sessions: Com and Dcom : Microsoft's Vision for Distributed Objects, John Wiley & Sons, 1997.

Siple: The Complete Guide to Java Database Programming (Java Masters Series), McGraw Hill, 1997.

Tanenbaum: Distributed Operating Systems, Prentice Hall, 1995.

Umar: Object-Oriented Client/Server Internet Environments, Prentice Hall, 1997.

Wang: Java with Object-Oriented Programming and World Wide Web Applications, ITP, 1999.

Yarger, et al: MySQL and mSQL (Nutshell Series), O'Reilly & Associates, 1999.



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