Indiana University of Pennsylvania

T. Andrew Yang 

Computer Science Department


  1. Introduction to Web Development

  1. World Wide Web as a new computing platform

  2. The client-server model

  3. The multi-tier model

  4. Sample Web applications

  5. Alternative Web development technologies

  6. Client side development

  7. Server side development

  8. Summary

  1. Curriculum Design

  1. Curriculum Design Issues

  2. A Sample Course

  3. Lessons Learned

  4. Specialty Track in Enterprise Computing


Designing and Teaching a Web Development Course


Ø  Summary

Ö  What have we learned today?

  • A blooming, evolving field

  • Multi-tier Web based model is excellent for building distributed applications:  

    • scalable, 

    • universal front end

    • highly accessible (if the network does not go down!)

  • A next-generation computing platform

  • Principles of software engineering still applies.

  • Exciting opportunities for Computer Science majors

  • Next generation of computing devices


Ö  The next step?


  + For users

  • Understand your business's needs and the existing applications

  • Evaluate the Web based multi-tier model


   + For developers

  • Understand the Web based multi-tier model

  • Overview of the leading technologies and products

  • Development experience

  • On line references

  • Special Interest Groups


   + For students

  • Get the Computer Science fundamentals!  Be a serious developer.

  • Understand the new computing platform that you'd use when you graduate.

  • development experience

  • familiarity with systems (OS, Web servers, database servers)


Index Page

Next: curriculum design issues