Indiana University of Pennsylvania

T. Andrew Yang 

Computer Science Department


  1. Introduction to Web Development

  1. World Wide Web as a new computing platform

  2. The client-server model

  3. The multi-tier model

  4. Sample Web applications

  5. Alternative Web development technologies

  6. Client side development

  7. Server side development

  8. Summary

  1. Curriculum Design

  1. Curriculum Design Issues

  2. A Sample Course

  3. Lessons Learned

  4. Specialty Track in Enterprise Computing


Designing and Teaching a Web Development Course


Ø  World Wide Web as a new computing platform

Ö  The evolving computing platforms

    What's next in the platform evolution?  See below.

Ö  Characteristics of the Web platform:

   + Web browser becomes the universal front end.

  • nearly identical user interface between different browsers


   + Applications are deployed on the Web server.

  • The applications are accessed by the users via the Internet.

  • Both the client side and the server side programs are stored on the Web server.


   + Web server serves as the bridge (aka. the middle tier).

  • The Web server connects the users to the other servers at the back end, such as database servers, application servers, authentication servers, et al.


Ö  Characteristics of a distributed computing platform

   + distributed software components

  • Web browsers, Web servers, database servers, application servers, security servers, video servers, …

   + interaction between software components

  • program to program communications (browser – server, server – server)

   + distributed, multimedia data

  • multiple database servers, legacy data access, heterogeneous data formats

   + heterogeneous network protocols

  • TCP/IP, Novell Netware, DEC/Net, SAN Networks, Banyan, AppleTalk, ...

   + middleware

  • software modules/components that provide connectivity between other modules 


Ö  A blessing or a curse?

  • Physical “distributedness” is a fact!

  • Connectivity

  • Accessibility

  • Universal front end interface

  • Power versus complexity


   + Advantages?


   + Disadvantages?


Ö  What's next?

  • wireless portable devices

  • distributed data + distributed processing

  • single-entry portal (aka. virtual centralized platform)




Index Page

Next: The client server model